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Saw 2 Atoms in 2 weeks.

  S1 16v 106 Rallye
Hadn't seen an atom ever till the other day when we were driving back from the Scrap yard in Sandon and tred to chase this atom up the A51 (which I totally lost till the lights at the end of the dual carriage way, then got my mate to take a picture. BEAUTIFUL!


Then last Sunday me and a few mates decided to go see what was going on down the Curborough sprint track, and as well as seeing a pretrty nice V6 I posted in the spotted forum and a load of really f**king nice cars, an Atom decided to park up next to my car so I took advantage of the situation and took a load of photos. Yes, i'm aware i stuffed the parking up and the bumper WAS touching the grass verge. Ignore that. Obviously my clio is that little while thing in the distance :D


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LOL there is a Lawer down my road with one on these and a Ducati they sound amazing he always seems to go out in it at night and wakes everyone up, but what a sound to wake up to.
i saw the very same 1 going thought eccy last weekend rember his helmet he was giving it some road the lanes
beasts!!! they are ace!! lol id love to wear my helmet in my car and have a cop pull me over hahahahaha!!
  Monaco Blue Mk2
There was one just casually parked up on a fairly poor road in old swan in Liverpool the other week. Looked ace.
  Lux'd Glacier White R26
I've only ever seen one at brands...some company director gunning it round the track like a loon for a good few hours, then stepping back in his 63 AMG for his ride home (or back to the office). Nice.

followed one around bedford autodrome a while back, never need to use its brakes during the sighting laps it was than manouverable.
  MCS R56
I think an Atom would be my first purchase after a lottery win. I was luck enough to be involved in a small convoy of two bikes (I was on the back of one), a 996 Turbo and an Atom. The motorway was fairly busy, so not much chance of a drag but when there was a gap, all vehicles mentioned were giving it full beans. I think the 911 driver was a bit disappointed he couldn't shake the Atom. Obviously, the bikes (both 600 sports) managed to keep up at too, bit the Atom can shift!! Ultimate track car?
