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Scratch removal question..

  Storm Grey 200
If i fill a deep scratch in with a top up pen and then wet flat it down with say, 1200 grade paper? Will i be able to buff it back up to a proper shine by hand, using scratch x?
  106 GTi
I would use a finer grade of paper, but using some elbow grease you will remove the sanding marks if you use 2000 or 2500 paper.
  soon to be a 200
nick-89 i have some 3000 grit i can send you a sheet if you like . You can use Langka blob eliminator have a look on . i have used it with great results .
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  Storm Grey 200
ah right, yea i thought it might have been a bit harsh, hence me asking the gurus. :) i've got loads of wet and dry so i'll just try it with 2500/3000 and get the scratch X on the go. It was nice knowing you, arms ;)
