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Seat problems!


  2002 1.2 16v Clio
My passenger seat has broken, when you lift the handel to get into the back seat nothing happens. lol
found out the problem was the cable from the handel to the actual leaver that moves the seat had snaped.
Any one know any quick fixs?
Ive tried so may different cables to see if they would fit back in, bike brake cables and bike gear cables but no joy.
and the cable costs like £30 quid from renault!!:eek:

Has anyone come across this be4?

  Blown up 182 & Mondeo TDI
Happened on my drivers side after Renault replaced my seat becaus of a squeek. Luckily was under waranty still.
  Blown up 182 & Mondeo TDI
You ried any where else? Cant imagine they are that different car form car?
