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Seeing 1990's cars on the roads nowadays....


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
As a kid I thought they were proper s**t now I think they’re great looking things
Had 2x S2 RS Turbo's. 1st one rotted away and then the 2nd one became a track car.

Also had an Audi B5 S4 Avant.....


Proper wolf in sheeps clothing.....
If forgot to mention, when I was at a car show earlier this year a bloke had an unrestored, pretty good condition red XR2, which he wanted £12k for.
I think he was mad!


ClioSport Club Member
My mate has an S2 and an S4, he goes through diffs like no tomorrow because he's a child and loves launching it at every opportunity. Awesome cars and definitely one of very few VAG cars that most people can go "Pwoarh" to


ClioSport Club Member
I spotted a cavalier turbo today. My mates dad had a gsi way back when and I loved the way it looked. Not so sure now though [emoji23].

On the finance thing, 22 years ago I got £16k on finance to buy a car and all the old gits at work ribbed me about spending so much on a used car. One of the knob heads had £4k of hifi gear in his living room! I had this.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Got this around the corner from work.

Strictly - it isn't a 90's car - but it's close enough. Looks to be a good rep of the XR2 as an online check records it as being a 1.4 and not a 1.6?

View attachment 1374812

You can tell that's a rep as the proper XR2s had satin black paint around the windows



Still a tidy looking thing though
