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Sell the cup and buy a GT

  2015 ST2(MO)/CorsaLE
theres some good buys out there nice white ones newish for 10k.. im i the only one who thinks it looks like a normal bog standard clio with skirts bolted to every part of it?



ClioSport Club Member
Not very good cars in my opinion, the drive was rubbish compared to my MK2 1.2. I'd assume that coming from a cup your making a big step down.
Yup 100% agree they look like normal clio's with skirts bolted to them. I really dont like them tbh.

P.S I think your title will confuse people.
  Black Clio GT
it doesnt compare to rs clios so dont expect it to, thats why alot on here dont like/get it as they have owned the best modern day hot hatch and looked at one to "save money".
i personally think its a very good warm hatch and needs very little to look/perform better than anything else in its class!!!

on the otherhand if you can live with the crappy interior/lack of boot in a twingo rs, it is more fun and a better buy... IMO!


ClioSport Club Member
  Mint 1*2's for sale-
Clio GT = gash.

There was a group of them on promotion today @ wsr & without exception they were utter shizzle- ripspeed revisited.....

If you have a budget of 10k buy an older better specced clio rather than a depreciation mobile-

lock thread.

some were gt models some were base 1.2's

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ClioSport Club Member
I don't get why anyone would consider going from a 182 to a 1.6GT.
  Not a 320d
Why would/do you want a GT?

If your happy driving about in a near 5 year old car, and arent stuck up your own arse like me, or, you live within your means and dont want stupid monthly outgoings, like me, then I guess they are an okay car. Just a standard MK3 clio with bits bolted on to it, and a few optional extras as standard.

I get the "You could have spent that 11K on a 182 or even a 197 and insured it for what you paid" all the time. But then I couldnt afford to run a 2Ltr. I work part time and can scrape by with my GT. I know other people here are at uni, work part time and have the same circumstances as me, and drive a 182. But i just cant see why a car, especially a f**king clio which is what it is at the end of the day, is worth skinting myself for. Ive done the math, and theres no f**king way i would be happy running one. If other people are happy, and other people skint themselvs or can run one comfortably thats great. Im not them.

I don't want to defend the GT, as surely im biased and everyone here has driven one for 11,000 miles like i have and knows exactly what they are like, but they are hardly slow coaches, mines on coilovers, and standard tyres and its a laugh in corners, far more fun than standard. Im getting a new set of tyres and brakes soon as mine are ready to change so hopefully itll be more fun. Yeah they dont have the chassis, steering rack or a 2ltr engine, but they are still good fun to drive. Im not fussed about straight line acceleration, I get to drive various BMW's with far more power, and class ffs, than a Clio 200, on a regular basis. I still get back in my Lowly GT and think its more fun to drive round corners than said BMW's.

You will hate the engine though, you have to string it up by its balls and beat it repeatedly, but it will move. Ive driven 172's, 182's, 197's, and after 4000rpm its all revs to the top. You dont get a big explosion of power like you do from the 172/182. I get about 370 miles of fuel from my tank and thats with the occasional blast through gears. I dont do motorway commuting either.

Thats my 2p. I know you all think its ugly, slow as s**t and a generally piss poor car but im happy with it. Its a bit gutting when you get a full thread of people saying its a bag of w**k, it does what its supposed to do. If you really want to see what mine looks like, search my threads in media. They are f**king boats as standard.
  Listerine & Poledo
is the GT the 1.6?

if tey did one with the 1.1 turbo engine, that'd be a good call, post-remap
