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SERV Light on, no fault code

  172 ph2
Hello, 1st time caller....

I have just bought a Ph2 172, and it is a prime example. The only thing that requires looking at is the SERV light is on, but no fault code is shown on the the diagnostics tool - this being a cheap one. A snap-on diagnostic tool also comes up with no fault code.

I have trawled and trawled the forums about this, general consensus is that if this light comes on, on it's own and with no other lights and no fault code, then it is due to low oil level or a goosed rain sensor (obscurely).

My questions are 2-fold:-

1) Have others had this same problem, and if so, what rectified it? The threads I've read generally are left open - i.e. the original poster hasn't come back to say what the root cause turned out to be.

2) There is mention that there may be "hidden" fault codes that only the Renault CLIP can read... is the true, or mis-information?

My engine oil level is OK (apparently - haven't actually got the car yet, picking it up this weekend, so I haven't had the chance to muck about with the rain sensor / ecu reset etc).

Much obliged,
Renault DO have tools , diagnostic and mechanical that 99% of other garages don't ! ... i had 9 different testers on my car , from the RAC Man's to a top rolling-road performance centre , 2 of them even showed the wrong code! ... took it to Renault , he plugged it in , there and then , and 6 codes came up !
2 were the cats i'd removed,1 the emissions(because of this), and 3 airbags(cos i'd replaced the seats/wheel), he reset them for me , charged me £0 and offered to fit a new full bonnet catch assembly for free as well ! just find a good Renault dealer ONLY they can remove the code problems relating to anything that will never be "fixed" (like my cats) ... All other garages have to fix the problem and then can only do a master reset ... so if you don't want to fix your auto wipers(don't !haha) they can remove the fault code completely (only Renault can do this, not because its a secret/conspiracy but the cost of such equipment could never be accepted by small garages , they just tend to jerk you off with BS about Renault !
They are more expensive , but if you've bought a nice car , pay that extra money and IMO the RENAULT receipt in the service history is worth the extra 30% - 40%

Hold the button in on the righthand stalk and turn your ignition on, watch the display for any OBVIOUS problems,
Hold foot brake down and repeat above , ... any difference?
Turn the ignition on as normal and then immediately depress the same button ... it should give you and the ECU a correct OIL level reading , eliminating this as a cause (i personally doubt it anyway)

TBH , it could be ANYTHING , if it were mine , regardless of how mint it was I'd be checking bulbs on the back of the dials 1st ... just a dodgy caliper/brake will bring this serv light on (with another) (!) (brakes warning light) but if that bulb had failed , you could be chasing it forever ! ... I hate to say it , but many people have learened to live with SERV ,AIRBAG AND EMISSIONS lights permenantly on ! ... if this is definately "not for you" ! , then call Renault mate!
I spent a lot of time and money listening to crap from garages about this SERV light and Renault just fixed the whole problem right there and then , so don't mess with owt' as you might open a can of worms ... some things need Renault ... simples ... CODES/AIRBAGS/SERV LIGHTS etc.
  172 ph2
Thanks folks, 'specially bhm for the offer of the clip - but I'm in deepest, darkest central Scotland. Cheers anyway.


SERV light turned out to be rain sensor after all. Result.

Picking it up tomorrow, and I'm going to spank it, oh yeah! (the car, not the sensor - I might just give that a light slap).

