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Setting up your own web server

I have an old PC that I would like to use to host my site and am planning on using it as a web server.

At the minute I have a domain which points to my current hosts but the page is framed to retain the domain name in the title as the hosting is free which results in a web address like "http://blah/blahblah/

What do I need to do to point the Domain name directly to my server and still keep the pages (unframed) and within the domain name:
  172 cup'd extreme
if you want your web address to be the same ie nothing at the start or middle etc you can use a service like dns to go, their program directs requests via their name servers to your home IP where your webserver lives. you can try dns2go for free for 30 days.
Thanks for the suggestion, I will have a look.

It is something to do with the DNS settings then? There is the option to change them on the domain providers site but there is also a large warning not to touch the settings if you don't know what you are doing.

I will have a go with Google and see how far I get.
Basically this is what happens.

A domain for instance;

requires name servers, the name servers would be like so:

The name servers would then have the information regarding your domain, such information would be your WWW alias, your MX records and so on.

The WWW record would then point to a web server, normally can be done as an IP.

Therefore in your instance, that WWW record would point to your home web server.

Then on your home web server, if you have IIS installed, you would have a new site set up, looking for this request.

Static IP would really be ideal for you :)

Hope this makes sense.
