Also Mike, if you have good credit and a good history with your bank, then try them for the loan as well. Even if there advertised rate is higher than what you have seen elsewhere, if you are a reliable customer i.e. long history and never overdrawn etc, they can give you a lower APR etc if they want to - play them off against other loans available to you in the same way you do with insurance quotes come renewal time. Doesnt hurt to exagerate either like you would when comparing insurance quotes i.e. "X bank said they would give me X APR, Im a loyal customer here and I want to keep all my finances with you, so why cant you match that?" Give it a shot mate, nothing to lose and its worked for me. Could even use your current/savings account as leverage i.e. "If X bank can do me such a better rate on a loan, perhaps Id be better to move my current acct, savings acct and credit card over to them as well"
Good luck fella.