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Shampoo HELP

  Mk2 Ph2 16v 1.4 Dynamique
I know ive probley mispelt the title and various other words, but the last two times ive used my turtle wax platium series car shampo its made a few suds and bubbles at first when fillin up but when i go to clean my car there are absolutly no suds or bubbles, ive even tried swithching to autoglym but had the same problem. im followin the instructions on the bottles and prior to a week a go the turtle wax shampo was making loads of suds and bubbles. what am i doin wrong, im using the same tap and bucket etc but dont know whats up? any ideas?
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  Golf R soon...
Re: Shampo hELP

Its strange isn't it I use the same shampoo and same amounts each week and sometimes the suds disappear too quickly.

I think it might have something to do with the temperature of the water perhaps.

I use Chemical Guys Maxi Suds.


  04 Clio 16V Dynamique
Thats strange, I've had that the last two weekends.
Could be the temp of the bodywork...
