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Should I add a sub to my 182? (qn from clueless person!)

  RenaultSport clio 182
Hi All,
Ive got a Alpine 9850i in my 54reg 182 and i mostly listen to my ipod through it. I took advice from a local store today about "the next steps" to upgrading my system.

HE sugested leaving the existing speakers in but adding a 10" sub made by Orion and also adding an Orion Amp. All this is going to cost approx £250 fitted.

I dont want to shake the road with my bass when i drive but i would like a deeper, more rounded sound. Is the sub the best way forward and does this price sound reasonable??

Thanks for any advice,


ClioSport Club Member
  E92 M3,172 track car
Orion, sounds like he's spinning you a good 'un. You would be better off replacing the standard speakers (as they are crap) with either co-axials or components if you can be bothered. Run at least the fronts from an amp and the sound quality will be much improved.
  RenaultSport clio 182
So, with a £250 budget you'd go for new speakers and an amp rather than a sub and an amp. Cool, Ill look into that option.

I have to say, when the guy told me that "orion" were "West Coast Custom" branded I did worry that I was paying for a name.......
Sub would be better for more base sounds but as said u could really do with upgrading the standards for a crisper sound.
Ive put a small 12" sub in mine with standard speakers and it sounds brilliant. You'll be surprised just how much difference a sub makes to the overall sound quality.

Definately get one mate.

Leave the standard speakers- you can always change them at a later date if you feel thats what is needed.
  RenaultSport clio 182
ahaaaaaaaa :D
Decisions decisions!! At the risk of being needy........... Do any of you know brands of Sub/amp to go for or to avoid? I dont want to go over £250 total. Is this a reasonabel budget?
  ur megane r26
well dude if ya gonna go for a sub, which i would, i recently purchased a 1000 watt sub which runs 400 watts rms, and a 750 watt amp which runs 350 watts rms, and it is bloody amazing, but if u r gonna look for a sub go towards manufactors such as sony, and pioneer, they are they best, the are bound to be
  R35 GTR
I spent £80 on a vibe sub and amp, sure it took some boot space up and also slowed the car down, but the bass line was much nicer.

It's a trade off between fuel economy and music pleasure...
