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Should I buy a trophy as an investment?


ClioSport Club Member
A ‘nut and bolt’ restoration means that everything down to the nuts and bolts are replaced - so I took that as you’ll be under sealing, refreshing lower arms/bushes/suspension/Paint/nuts and bolts etc.

Just going around a car and replacing nuts and bolts, if that’s what you mean. It’s not a restoration..

So it’s not a sweeping statement. The cost of ‘restoring‘ a car properly will outweigh the final sale price.
Depends on the level of restoring it then I guess! But now we're getting into the nitty gritty side of differentiating between a full restore which, I would never truly do anyway.


ClioSport Club Member
my main question was, are trophies going to exponentially increase in value like what v6s have done over the years.

I doubt it.

I got my 182 in 2014, back then a Trophy was circa 6k I think?
Prices have gone up some, but probably in-line with a normal 182?

Chris V6 255

ClioSport Club Member
  V6 255, 182 Trophy
I see no reason why a nice low mileage trophy won’t be worth 12-15k in a few years.

There has been plenty of positive press recently which can only help.

There will always be more than 500 people who think 15k is pocket change & if they want the best hot hatch experience then the trophy is hard to beat.

I remember people saying the same thing when Mk1 V6’s could be had for 7-8k

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ClioSport Club Member
  Too Many
The Trophy bubble has burst.

Like it was said if you have £5/10k pump it into a House, Watch, Land or something thats going to make money.
We have £10k and rather than buy another car we are looking at ripping out the Kitchen, Bathroom and full heating system to add value to the house.
IMO the reason the bubble burst is people got greedy and greedy quickly and the bubble popped.

If you have a trophy in 2035/2040 you might see a big return as then the might be very very rare but are you willing to hold onto something for 15+ years and keep it minted with low miles and potentially still have to pay £*** per year to keep it and maintain it.

Then it would not be in the "Morden Classic" bracket but the bracket of "Rare classic"

Not a Diesel!!!

ClioSport Club Member
  LY Meg Cup-S + MX5
I would say you are too late value has already inceased which in turn means plenty of people are looking after them.

There were 500 which is still a lot. Would have been better if value had dropped lower and more were crashed etc.

From a rarity perspective other cars are much rarer. R26r or Meg trophy r but had equally as good press.

Similarly much harder to find a rare colour 182 or 200.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I see no reason why a nice low mileage trophy won’t be worth 12-15k in a few years.

There has been plenty of positive press recently which can only help.

There will always be more than 500 people who think 15k is pocket change & if they want the best hot hatch experience then the trophy is hard to beat.

I remember people saying the same thing when Mk1 V6’s could be had for 7-8k

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So that’s roughly a 100% gain assuming a buy price of 7ish now over 10 years.

Inflations going to eat into that roughly 20%.
Insurance cost probably another 20%
Maintenance is anyone’s guess but I think you will be doing well to make 4% a year over 10 years.

Not a great investment purely from a money perspective.

Not a Diesel!!!

ClioSport Club Member
  LY Meg Cup-S + MX5
I always think is a car gas a unique ups it helps. In this case clio 182 or 200 was last of the small naturally aspirated hot hatch. People won't make them again.

I see 1m as interesting in this respect. Now I like 1m but when a m2 comp it available with less miles, warranty, 8 years newer for same money i think its usp is on shaker ground.

Cars like e30 m3, clio v6, corrado vr6, Porsche 968, never replaced with a model that mirrored configuration.
Can’t believe no-one’s said this yet.

Take your 8k and buy loads of tickets for random modified supercars. It only costs something like 53p a go if you win so you can buy approximately 15,000 and you either win or you don’t so that’s a 50:50 chance x 15,000 tickets so a 15,000 to 1 chance of winning.

Here’s a thought. Buy a trophy and raffle it off “future classic, guaranteed profit, will be worth £££££” 😂


ClioSport Club Member
Always in these types of thread people say “there’s much better things to invest in than cars”

Be interested to know if people want to list them below.

Forgetting housing (although in 7 years my V6 sti has way out paced my house price in percentage terms)

I have no doubt the right car can be a very good investment. How many houses could you have paid £150k for 15 years ago that are worth a million today? My mate is a serious property investor and owns many houses but also has a serious car collection and he’s done pretty well with them over the last 30 years.

I tried to get my mate to buy an R34 GTR when they were 20’odd grand, what could He have invested in with £25k that would be £50k-£60k today?

Buy the right car and also consider it art (and enjoy even drooling over it) and you can do ok IMO.

The trick is looking about today at similar types of cars to those that have done well in the past. Forget stuff that’s done it’s climbing. The trouble is people don’t have the foresight to believe a cheap car can be worth a lot more.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Always in these types of thread people say “there’s much better things to invest in than cars”

Be interested to know if people want to list them below.

Forgetting housing (although in 7 years my V6 sti has way out paced my house price in percentage terms)

I have no doubt the right car can be a very good investment. How many houses could you have paid £150k for 15 years ago that are worth a million today? My mate is a serious property investor and owns many houses but also has a serious car collection and he’s done pretty well with them over the last 30 years.

I tried to get my mate to buy an R34 GTR when they were 20’odd grand, what could He have invested in with £25k that would be £50k-£60k today?

Buy the right car and also consider it art (and enjoy even drooling over it) and you can do ok IMO.

The trick is looking about today at similar types of cars to those that have done well in the past. Forget stuff that’s done it’s climbing. The trouble is people don’t have the foresight to believe a cheap car can be worth a lot more.

Over how many years?


ClioSport Club Member
Did you get solid gold? 😂

The kitchen In my old house was only 13k and that was granite worktops and the kitchen was completely gutted and everything started fresh lol!
Just done the same, gutted top to bottom, ceiling down, new flooring etc.
German kitchen with Corian worktops, all new appliances blah blah. It wasnt £13k 🙈 :ROFLMAO:
  200,182 Trophy, Cup
I have a Trophy and a 200 and according to info on here my AG 200 with cup spoiler, RS Monitor, carbon dash etc is one of 4 UK cars but doubt it will ever be worth what my Escort RS2000 I bought brand new in 1979 is now worth.....unfortunately I sold it to buy an engagement ring back in 1983. 😩


ClioSport Club Member
Tesla shares

Jeez, tesla FFS

Ok so 104 - 273 ?

But they did all their work 2012-2014 and slow since, is that right? And next few years I’d say they aren’t going to perform any better based on what other manufacturers are finally doing?

I’m not sure it’s right but if I am reading it right, my £3500 would be circa £7500?
Not sure what you’re looking at. £3500 on Tesla in 2013 would be £200k today.

But you’re right in that it’s one of the more extreme examples. It’s probably easier to pick a car than pick the next Tesla share. Still, I don’t think any car has gained 60 fold. On the flip side I bet if you sold the Impreza now you’d find 2/3 of the profit is wiped out by the insurance, tax & maintenance you’ve been paying for 7 years.
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ClioSport Club Member
The problem with this idea is that there's probably lots of other people thinking the same thing. How many of the surviving Trophies are sat with low mileage on just waiting to be worth a fortune? And how many with below average miles have been tucked away in recent years as people think "that'll be worth double in 10 years"? Just look at 205 gti's. Everyone thinks they are worth ££££ but there's loads for sale these days as everyone tries to cash in. A mint low miles original car sells for solid money and every Arthur Daily thinks his is worth the same. Bubble burst and your 10 year investment is all but lost.


ClioSport Club Member
Not sure what you’re looking at. £3500 on Tesla in 2013 would be £200k today.

nothing right by the looks. That’s pretty impressive. I just googled price and said 104 in 2013 and 273 today. Thought it seemed wrong as tesla must have flown in recent years.

Question is, who here is wealthy because of it I guess.

Didn’t I see an interview with Shaq saying he’d invested in google in its infancy and made a fortune.

I guess the real issue for me is if I tried to invest in shares my lack of knowledge would be my downfall. Who’s going to guide you in business investing without creaming you off?

The vintage rolex world is a good one, enjoyment and earning. I’ve done well on my old vintage Seiko’s on a much lesser level. Could prob sell my entire collection for 4/5 times what I paid just over the past 4 years.


ClioSport Club Member
If you want to invest in something then look at AWS

In a few years time they will control all hosting for small to medium businesses, Jassy will be once again wanking himself all the way to the bank
We'd all be millionaires with hindsight. I reckon if you love cars and can spare the cash invested, get a car you love that *might* go up but you will enjoy working on and driving then do it.

All the cars that have gone up had a following, so in time nostalgia builds. For pure investment find those rarer cars with no miles and 'like new', but then its not a car, its an investment fund, might as well buy stocks and shares.

Get a car you love and enjoy it. If its holds its value or goes up its just a bonus. You already won, got a cool car you are proud to own and drive.

I've had some rum, life is much simpler after rum 😂


ClioSport Club Member
Kinda related and just as a side note... as a few folks know I'm currently getting my Trophy back to standard ready to enjoy it. Sadly a LOT of bits went missing and have had to be replaced. People have taken the pi$$ and wonder why it's taking so long... try replacing lots of parts on a 15 year old car where many of the most basic parts are no longer available or rapidly running out. Nightmare. Just something to keep in the back of the mind for any potential investors or folks purchasing these cars, s'all. :)


ClioSport Club Member
That's when values of good cars will go up. I recently saw a R5 project for sale for £4k and it was a mess. To build up one of those you're looking for parts that people know are practicality impossible to get now so prices reflect that.
While your investment is ageing in the garage make sure you're collecting parts so it can be made driveable again.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Well, take my sti for example.

Say I gave you £3,500 in 2013 to invest.

Well I’ll pick my best and worst shares I’ve bought since 2012 to try and be realistic.

Apple £3500 would be worth £27000 plus a further £1400 in dividends. £28400 total.

Shell £3500 would be worth £2000 plus £2000 dividends. £4000 total.

Apart from the initial dealing costs there are no on going costs and there tax free.


ClioSport Club Member
Well I’ll pick my best and worst shares I’ve bought since 2012 to try and be realistic.

Apple £3500 would be worth £27000 plus a further £1400 in dividends. £28400 total.

Shell £3500 would be worth £2000 plus £2000 dividends. £4000 total.

Apart from the initial dealing costs there are no on going costs and there tax free.

Thanks. I spoke about this before on another thread but is there an app you can just buy shares? I tried before but someone on here said it sounds like I was spread betting (I think) as when the shares fell I had to pay into the app live despite my practice account flying (who’s have thought it!)

I recently looked online and downloaded IG but it appears to be the same thing with the disclaimer straight away saying a similar thing.


ClioSport Club Member
  Too Many
As for investments dont try forex LOL
This guy is a real trader and totally outs a FX Trader called James Watts

