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sigma help needed

My alram has been anoying me for a few months seem when i park in certain areas i cant bleep my alarm.. sometimes i need to release handbrake, move it 50 yards and it will bleep disengaging the immobiliser.

my alarm is a sigma mc30 cat1 alarm. has anyone any idead as to what is causing the problem??

unless theirs some sort of signal interfering with it it could be a hard problem to find.when it comes to alarms/immobiliser with a problem like that take it back to whereever fitted it maybe they could change the you no what form the signal is?i.e infra-red

dunno ill have to find out... its one of those things that piss you off because you dont know where the offending frequency of signal is going to be!! it has left me stranded for a while lots of even still blocks signl when i use the bleeper point blank on sensor!!

well its a sigma mc 30 thats all i know. where is the sensor located is it on the siren, or in the cabin?

put the key plip to your temple then press it

may sound stupid, but it amplifies the signal

you can plip your car from like 3x further doing this

mine does this sometimes! its well weird! or itll take ages of me walkin all round the car to make it lock, but when u come back to the car it unlocks from miles away!
