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Smart lead question

I am looking to buy a CDX-MP80 head unit . I also need a Lead PC9-501 to retain use of the Stalk/Remote screen and Im wondering if any of you guys have used this lead.

This lead apparently requires connection to the head unit via ISO, Jack Plug
and (importantly) the CD changer port. My question is: Will the AUX IN on this stereo still work when connected with this lead?.. I want to plug my Ipod into it but ive read the AUX IN only works when no CD changer is connected.

  Nissan R35 GT-R

Hi mate,

I have had the CDX-MP70 in my Cup for ages now. I used the adapter from Connects2 (Model: DRNS002).

It can be found at

Fitting was very straight forward - the dash board does not need to be removed. The AUX in is a seperate connection from the CD changer altogether so I cant see youll have any problems if you use the adapter I have.

There is nothing to stop you using the AUX-IN, a CD changer and the display adapter all together.

The hardest thing is fitting it all in the dash as the unit is a chunky thing!

Yeah, I got the Connects2 adapter to. I however DID remove the dash (not necessary) so that I could route my changer cables to underneath the passenger seat. Made it easier to install the headunit as there isnt much space, I was also able to fix the connects2 box to the side ot the remaining dash to prevent it from rattling around.

In the FAQ for this forum it details a couple of sony adapters for use with the clio.
  996 Carrera

Ive got the CDX-M850MP and Im using the DRNS002 cable as well.

If you get this cable instead:

Tip 1 - thread your AUX IN cable through the dash to wherever (Ive got mine stashed in the glove box) BEFORE you put the headunit cage in. Theres a fair bit of room on the left side of the hole where the headunit goes in - loads of other cables there as well. This hole gets blocked slightly when the cage is in.

Tip 2 - try and get the connects2 adaptor box ABOVE the headunit cage and behind the hazard light/screen heater panel. The hazard light panel will come out easily so you can see whats happening. Youll find theres just enough space for the connects2 box and all the other cables will fit in the hole when you finally slot your headunit in. You might need to secure the box once its in - mine has started rattling now :(

Even with my girly-sized hands it took me ages to get everything in place. I even managed to get the mute wire to work with my mobiles car kit.


Thanks for the advice guys, ive got it sorted now. Got the CDX-MP80 with the DRNS002 cable which works just fine. The CD changer port is seperate form the AUX IN so there are no problems with it whatsoever. THe store i got the cable from had the headunit almost £100 more expensive than online prices...when i told him...he matched the price there and then!....MINTY!!!

