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Sniper Elite 4

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
This has been a bit of a turnaround game for me. Despite my dislike of stealth-type games, I've been a fan of all of the previous titles in the series and played them all through to completion.

When I realised that SE4 was set in WW2 Italy, it was a bit of disappointment to be honest. That theatre of going against the Germans and hunting high-value Nazis had already been done before and this was surely just another rehash of a similar environment. Worse - the sniping action didn't make sense to me and I was struggling to perform anything but the perfect shot. That usually revolved around setting my scope to 100m or 200m and then getting to that sweet-spot in terms of distance where the target matched those numbers. Anything either side usually resulted in a miss and a fully alerted enemy.

I thought I'd stick at it for two reasons. The first, is that it portrays the environment really well - not only being good to look at, but the world itself is rife with different paths and choices to get to your objective. This is anything but a linear exercise of going from A through to B. Secondly, there are many more enemies per levels than before. You get the sense that the numbers reflect the seriousness of the of target you're attempting to take out. Like the destruction of the rail-gun mission - by its end I had killed 102 enemies with 38 of those as headshots. This wasn't a bunch of a dozen Nazis loitering around a high-profile target.

I'm pretty sure that running through the level would see it done in 20-30 minutes or so. Typically (and honestly, without even realising it) - a mission for me is taking over two-and-a-half hours. It doesn't feel like a chore - it doesn't have that sense of laborious progress that I could understand a lot of players having problems with. It rewards patience and taking your time - but ultimately how you approach it is purely down to you.

I did however go for the Season Pass off cdkeys along with the core game itself. This does add a lot of additional content such as maps and weapon kits, together with missions to take down Hitler, etc. I couldn't honestly say if SE4 on its own felt a bit lacking in terms of features, but I would definitely recommend this to anyone - even if you'e not tried any of the previous games in the series.

Just a couple of quick screenshots I nabbed during playing it so far....








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  RS Clio 182
Im a few missions in and really enjoying it - i agree with what you said,it takes me over 2 hours a level as i like to take it my own pace..i love games that let you do that. I adored MGS V and this reminds me slightly of it,the stealth aspect and how you can plan and approach each level. I like all the little sub tasks like shooting the stone eagles.

Im looking forward to a more detailed sequel on PS5 in the future...where they can really go to town to on the graphics. They are ok in SE4,but once youve played on Horizon Zero Dawn everything looks a bit shoddy hehe. There will never be another MGS,so i guess this is the nearest alternative to it.
I enjoyed this - I got this for my birthday last year as we were going to Italy, but never got round to finishing it. It did get a bit repetitive as it goes on, but that probably says more about my attention span. I didn't get that season pass though

I found it better than the recent MGS - it was too easy to Rambo in that game and get away with it. This seems like stealth is generally a better choice which I prefer.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
Loved it personally, completed all the DLC and keep going back to it to replay missions and play survival mode.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member

Just finished a really enjoyable survival round with three randomers. Almost like a thinking-man's Left 4 Dead.... :smile:


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ClioSport Club Member
On a related note, this game has been nominated for a BAFTA...

Keep an eye out for Strange Brigade as well because it's looking like it could be a lot of fun.
  Evo 5 RS
On a related note, this game has been nominated for a BAFTA...

Keep an eye out for Strange Brigade as well because it's looking like it could be a lot of fun.
lol, for what!? Wasn't Assassins Creed 3 nominated for one for it's musical score? Don't think there's been another example
  RS Clio 182
I enjoyed this - I got this for my birthday last year as we were going to Italy, but never got round to finishing it. It did get a bit repetitive as it goes on, but that probably says more about my attention span. I didn't get that season pass though

I found it better than the recent MGS - it was too easy to Rambo in that game and get away with it. This seems like stealth is generally a better choice which I prefer.

MGS V was so much better control wise,the game was a joy to play and so slick and responsive - you go back to SE4 and everything seems so sluggish in movement etc. But i suppose thats down to the excellent fox engine and Kojima.

I agree SE4 has the better one-off levels,some great detail in them like the coastal town level. Im on the viaduct mission atm - a really nice setting.

Id recommend SE3 aswell - pretty much more of the same - and you can get it cheap as chips now.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
MGS V was so much better control wise,the game was a joy to play and so slick and responsive - you go back to SE4 and everything seems so sluggish in movement etc. But i suppose thats down to the excellent fox engine and Kojima.

I agree SE4 has the better one-off levels,some great detail in them like the coastal town level. Im on the viaduct mission atm - a really nice setting.

Id recommend SE3 aswell - pretty much more of the same - and you can get it cheap as chips now.
I need to go back to MGS - The Phantom Pain. It fell into that really annoying control gap for me where the gamepad was great, but I failed miserably on aiming and the K&M was cumbersome to use because it was clearly designed with the gamepad in mind.

Just last night with my first attempt at co-op survival on SE4 (which was really enjoyable actually and sneaked in with the highest score :wink:) - I was taking snap shots at Nazi heads barely peeking out above walls, etc. There's no way on this Earth that I could do that with a pad - especially over range. I really struggle to make granular adjustments with a pad - like I'm using a sledgehammer to tap in a drawing pin.


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Well, I've finished all the core game, plus the optional DLCs. Managed to get a fair few achievements along the way, but now just play to enjoy it and/or in co-op.

As above, I'd highly recommend this game - it's been a thoroughly enjoyable experience through out. A couple more pics....!

One or two dead Nazis....







ClioSport Club Member
Finally finished the game! 19 hours of play without trying to complete all the objectives etc, think I might pick up some of the DLC, really enjoyed it.

I don't get anywhere near enough time to game these days ?

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Finally finished the game! 19 hours of play without trying to complete all the objectives etc, think I might pick up some of the DLC, really enjoyed it.

I don't get anywhere near enough time to game these days ?
Yeah - it was a great game - the DLC is worth it if you get it cheap in a Season Pass - currently 50% off on Steam at £14.99.

SE4 is massively more appealing than the 'replacement' Strange Brigade. Despite me paying for the Season Pass'd edition of that as well - I've yet to complete it. Whereas with SE4, it was my default go-to PC until I finished it.

Have you tried any of the co-op survival mode yet? That's a great supportive multiplayer game mode.


ClioSport Club Member
I don’t really do much multiplayer TBH, used to play WoW for years and had my fill of dealing with other players through that - also, I’m a bit s**t at FPS games ;)

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I don’t really do much multiplayer TBH, used to play WoW for years and had my fill of dealing with other players through that - also, I’m a bit s**t at FPS games ;)
It's definitely worth a try if you can manage it though. I'm not a fan of player-vs-player much - especially with FPS games - but the co-op mode where you're against increasing waves of more difficult enemies is a nice feature. More so when there's four of you working together, laying mines, covering each other, etc.


ClioSport Club Member
Rebellion are splashing the cash at the moment... they've wholly bought TickTock Games (within the last few days) and it was only a month or so ago when they bought a whole film studio setup; large buildings complete with multiple sound stages, etc. Interesting times and it's great to see an independent British game developer doing so well.


ClioSport Club Member
I've been playing this since it was on Xbox Game Pass recently and I'm really enjoying it tbh.

It looks a little dated but I'm used to 4K titles so that's excusable for an older game I guess. It can get a little repetitive on some of the maps but overall it's great for free!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I've been playing this since it was on Xbox Game Pass recently and I'm really enjoying it tbh.

It looks a little dated but I'm used to 4K titles so that's excusable for an older game I guess. It can get a little repetitive on some of the maps but overall it's great for free!

Does that comes with the DLC as well Chris - like the Hitler assassination, etc? I really liked that one as there's about half-a-dozen ways to bump him off - all with their own achievement. Some are fairly easy - like his inspection of the submarine pen, where you shoot out one of the restraining bolts holding a U-Boat in the air. Hitler then receives a several thousand ton Kreigsmarine headache. Perhaps the trickiest, which I don't think I've managed - is to blow him up with the teller mine that you place in the small cauldron of soup. He walks through the kitchen area, picks up the ladle and stirs the soup with boom results. That's difficult to infiltrate the kitchen without being detected and placing the trap.

Loved the railway gun on the bridge mission - certainly one of my favourites.


ClioSport Club Member
Does that comes with the DLC as well Chris - like the Hitler assassination, etc? I really liked that one as there's about half-a-dozen ways to bump him off - all with their own achievement. Some are fairly easy - like his inspection of the submarine pen, where you shoot out one of the restraining bolts holding a U-Boat in the air. Hitler then receives a several thousand ton Kreigsmarine headache. Perhaps the trickiest, which I don't think I've managed - is to blow him up with the teller mine that you place in the small cauldron of soup. He walks through the kitchen area, picks up the ladle and stirs the soup with boom results. That's difficult to infiltrate the kitchen without being detected and placing the trap.

Loved the railway gun on the bridge mission - certainly one of my favourites.

Nah, just the basic game but I'm enjoying it enough to think about the DLC now!

The bridge mission was superb, yeah. I've just finished the mission where you have to assassinate the mob boss.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Yup just bought that :) Paid for from the sale of PUBG crates so even more of a bargain :)
Nice one! If you can - try not to Rambo-it. You can play the game (and win) being all gung-ho - but its so much more enjoyable playing it delicately and taking your time.

The only mission that really would test your patience in not being seen, is the DLC mission where Hitler is surveying the submarine pen. There are SO many enemies in that base that it would take some effort to complete it and not be detected. Thankfully you get an achievement for killing the moustache'd-one in a number of ways. Some much easier than others.
