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Snooper signal in your 182


  LY 200
I have just bought a S2 and it seems to take forever and a day to get a signal .. anyone else have this prob ?? :mad:

Just wondering if it is only to do with the design of the windscreen :S or something else

Thanks :D
  106 GTi
Will be down to the screen if it is anything like the RA2, can you get an additional antenna for them?


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
The windscreen in the 172/182 is a b*tch for this, my saving grace is that I use a PDA which means my GPS unit sits on the parcel shelf and gets full signal :)

One thing worth doing is leaving the snooper out in the garden for an hour or so (only need to do this once), this way it will build a cache of all the satellites in view and will provide faster & better fixes.

Same thing goes for when you get in the car, make sure you have a good satellite fix before you move off, GPS doesn't like fixing onto satellites when you are moving.


  LY 200
^^ how would I power it in the garden ?? I only have the hard wire and cig lighter cables ...

I would have to wait about an hour befre setting off lol to get a satalite fix as it just seems to take ages :)
sold mine due to these problems - I was going into Brecon once and although I was driving pretty quick it was no where near the 437mph the Road Angel was quoting!! lol - they really dont like our windscreens - Tom Toms are the same - have to stick it to the side window to get a signal and then it still aint brilliant


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Maz said:
^^ how would I power it in the garden ?? I only have the hard wire and cig lighter cables ...

I would have to wait about an hour befre setting off lol to get a satalite fix as it just seems to take ages :)

Ahh, I thought it might have battery power. You should be able to find a suitable power adaptor I would have thought, does it use a "standard" power connector?

You only have to do the 1 hour thing once, the way that the gps system works means that the unit really needs to see all the satellites that are in view, once it has this information your satellite lock should improve for ever after! :)
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
i have the same problem ive found it works fine on the far right hand side next to the window


  LY 200
I have had it hard wired so I will just have to give it a go, thanks for the help and advice guys :)
  Tesla MP3 2021
im pretty certain marie that its the top bit that gets the gps signal...
like if you want to try it by the window then im happy to re-wire it there
