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Sold my Williams

  172 Cup, V6 255, Williams

My Williams has been reluctantly sold to a friend of mine, making way for the new toy - I have told him about this excellent board....I will still be supplying s/h parts and the new website will be launched soon.



  mk2 172

whats the new toy then paul?, also did you recieve the msg i sent you on msn earlier? it didnt seem to be working for some people.



  Shiny red R32


Since it is going to be Burns Night next week, might this be a "Wee Timorous Beastie"?
  172 Cup, V6 255, Williams

"The bloke has no class, hes sold his Williams and bought a blooddy great Vauxhall!"

lol lofty - quoting the V5 "Lotus Carlton Turbo" (mind u thats wrong as its got 2 blowers!) - no mention of Vauxhall there...and the VIN decodes to a Hethel built Lotus NOT a Vauxhall.




  Shiny red R32


"New toy is a big engined 6 pot, twin turbo limited edition beastie..."


Paul, it was the "beastie" bit which attracted my attention and reminded me of Burns! Have you never heard of Rabbie Burns? He wrote a poem about a "wee timorous beastie". He also wore "Auld Lang Syne" and "My love is like a red, red rose" and so on......

Im not Scottish, but I have been to a few Burns Suppers! Haggis, neeps and tatties! There are a few Scots on here who will know!!

