Well did some vids last night but cant post the as my PC dies when I try and use them. I have timed the videos and did a few AP22 runs too on the way home with Rhyss settings for a comparason. I reckon my speedo is 5mph out maybe 4.
0-60 6.02 secs (speedo time)
0-65 7.05 secs (speedo time)
0-60 7.17 secs (average of 2 runs, one each side of the road)
(involved a bit of wheelspining as I was in rush hour traffic
Will try and get some proper AP22 times later - I have 30-70 video times too but my 0-100 are a bit out as there was some dips and rises in the roads. Will post them anyway once I have some AP22 times to compare them against!
*disclaimer - I am yet to find a perfect bit of road for this so all times are speculative