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Someone must pay

  Listerine & Poledo
Well, you get back home after a weekend away and find someone's inability to judge distance has led to your black-gold 172 having a big cement-looking scuff on the rear panel and bunmper.

a half hour of swearing an black polish has left me with just 3 big patches of bare metal, not immedietly noticable, but once you see them, you can't ignore them.

so, anyone in Lincolnshire or Cambs know of a half-decent bodyworks place that'll do a mini-spray on that area? Being Metallic, does it mean that it's going to be costly no matter what?

as for whoever id it, they'll get their comeuppance
You'll be paying! lol

Sucks though. You're probably looking at about £200-£400 depending on how bad it is.
  Listerine & Poledo

well, the door could really do with some work too after next doors little shi......child decided to fall down the side of it with his bike, but that is nearly invisible once chip-sticked and black-polished.

as for how bad (without pics immedietly to hand, will post soon)

between rear light cluster and filler cap there is 1 big section of bare metal.
rear bumper is down to plastic in 2 small sections.

would a fix-a-dent, or the halfords sprayers do this kind of thing?
  Listerine & Poledo
Depends what quality you're looking for.

well, since they're not massive, just bright, any fix would be fairly inconspicuous.

so long as it doesn't look like someone's taken nail varnish to it, it'l be alright.

anyone got experience of halfords' attempts?
well, since they're not massive, just bright, any fix would be fairly inconspicuous.

so long as it doesn't look like someone's taken nail varnish to it, it'l be alright.

anyone got experience of halfords' attempts?

I wasn't aware Halfords actually did smart repairs, but if they do, I'd be wary - unless they actually use a specialist.
  Listerine & Poledo

body shop will be able to sory it for you

if its bumpers it'll be a smart repair

"Smart repair"?

The bumpers are alright....ish, it's the bit juuusut next to the light which is most obvious.

how they managed to not break the cluster itself is a miracle


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I just don't like the word smart repair.

Best bet is touch up pen and lacquer pen. Leave basecoat to dry and build up layer, like doing stone chips. Then flatten Wet then polish out flattening marks.

Better than a "smart repair"
  Listerine & Poledo
thanks gally.

only that I wouldn't even want to try doing it myself, being really bad at this kind of thing.

anyone around lincs who'd accept cash for painting services?
  Listerine & Poledo
Right, found this company "Shine", who'll come out to me and, from what it says, do the job on the main offending area for £50, complete with a wash, wax and polish.

sounds like a winner to me, unless someone is going to tell me that they are really bad?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
What's the worst that can happen mate, must be worth a go even for the wash and wax! :eek:
hey mate, have you got a link to 'Shine' or number please as im in lincolnshire and wouldnt mind checking them out thanks mate


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Flol! No it'll look better in someway shape or form.

A picture would help tho!
  Listerine & Poledo
yes, sorry about that, I'm on tour with work and using the company jalopy, wont be back until Friday eve, I'll get a couple of shots then.

hey mate, thanks for the pm and good luck in getting it sorted!! will keep an eye out on this post for results of this so called Shine company, though not heard of them before. thanks a lot mate, GOOD LUCK!
Smart repair at my local bodyshop is about £100 + VAT. And you would never know it's been done.

Go to a good local sprayer mate, get it done properly, you won't regret it and it WON'T cost you the earth.

£50 sounds "too good to be true" to me, so it probably isn't or at least it ain't very good.
