I personally think they charge more when it's one person because they think you are young and stupid and will pay with no questions.
You get respect when you add mum. lol.
.............not so, nothing to do with respect!
just that is your mum drives the car she is less likely to have an accident because she is a better more experienced driver (LOL!
...worse still? so is your nan! )
My son pays £1800 for a clio rsi with 3 points and my other son he pays £2000 for a clio valver! no points 1 accident (cost £300)
my daughter pays £700 for her clio 1.2 ltd edition or summink!
I pay £460 for a 172 with 15000 miles p.a. yeah im old and i got a snooper and im sort of sensible.........sometimes
I hate insurance companies and always will do because they steal my kids wages, they are all without exception robbing *ankers
p.s. that fiesta = total sh*t if you dont mind me saying so! gimmie the 106 anyday!