Darren S
ClioSport Club Member
I thought I'd dig out the PC this afternoon and have a practice on the worst panel on my car - the bonnet.
I gave the area a decent wash, but forgot that I had no clay left. Not the ideal start, but it didn't appear to have that many contaminents visible. I also had the idea of just doing half of the bonnet, to see if the end result was significantly different than the side that was simply washed and dried.
First off, was a go with some Menzerna Power Finish and keeping in mind what Justin (and others said) about using only small amounts - I put a small 50p blob in the middle of the pad and got to work.
It seemed to work quite well - taking my time and working the bonnet area evenly. This in turn was then followed up by a coating of AG SRP and then that itself being followed by two coatings of AG EGP. I used the most abrasive Sonus pad I had with the Menzerna, then the medium one for the SRP and finally the 'buffing' Sonus pad with the EGP once it had time to dry.
Here's how it went in pics...
The front-on view, with the PC'd side on the left and the washed-only on the right. Tbh, the picture doesn't do it justice, but there is a definite depth to the black gold on the driver's side of the bonnet.
Having done 62k miles, the bonnet has its fair whack of stone chips and scratches that simply seem to appear. The scratches themselves are what I'm puzzled about the most in trying to sort out. I'm cautious of damaging the lacquer on the paint, but in the same sense, I don't seem to be harsh enough with it in order to remove the scratches effectively.
I don't know if I'm using the right stuff with the right pads - I don't even know if I'm pressing down too light/hard with the PC itself and whether or not the rotation speed is too slow or too fast.
Any tips or suggestions would be most welcome as for myself at the moment, I'd rate the bonnet job either a 6 or a 7 out of 10.
I gave the area a decent wash, but forgot that I had no clay left. Not the ideal start, but it didn't appear to have that many contaminents visible. I also had the idea of just doing half of the bonnet, to see if the end result was significantly different than the side that was simply washed and dried.
First off, was a go with some Menzerna Power Finish and keeping in mind what Justin (and others said) about using only small amounts - I put a small 50p blob in the middle of the pad and got to work.
It seemed to work quite well - taking my time and working the bonnet area evenly. This in turn was then followed up by a coating of AG SRP and then that itself being followed by two coatings of AG EGP. I used the most abrasive Sonus pad I had with the Menzerna, then the medium one for the SRP and finally the 'buffing' Sonus pad with the EGP once it had time to dry.
Here's how it went in pics...
The front-on view, with the PC'd side on the left and the washed-only on the right. Tbh, the picture doesn't do it justice, but there is a definite depth to the black gold on the driver's side of the bonnet.
Having done 62k miles, the bonnet has its fair whack of stone chips and scratches that simply seem to appear. The scratches themselves are what I'm puzzled about the most in trying to sort out. I'm cautious of damaging the lacquer on the paint, but in the same sense, I don't seem to be harsh enough with it in order to remove the scratches effectively.
I don't know if I'm using the right stuff with the right pads - I don't even know if I'm pressing down too light/hard with the PC itself and whether or not the rotation speed is too slow or too fast.
Any tips or suggestions would be most welcome as for myself at the moment, I'd rate the bonnet job either a 6 or a 7 out of 10.