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Sounds like a diesel whilst ticking over!!!

  Clio 172

I have a '52' plate 172 and recently the car has started to sound like a diesel whilst ticking over!!!!

I lift the bonnet and it sounds like the engine is racing! It only does it whilst ticking over, it stops once over 2000 rpm!

Anyone got any suggestions on what it can be and how to fix it??

  Black 182
Could be a sticking hydraulic lifter , this fault would give the noise u decribe when did u last change the oil ?
  Clio 172
did an oil change 6 months ago. ive ordered some hydraulic lifter treatment and will change the oil again. Hopefully this will help?
  172 cup,s2 rs turbo
nope its not hydraulic lifters that are the problem as that would be through out the rev range.

not nes as the oil pressure increase at higher revs could disguise it if the lifters only just starting to fail
  Clio 172
Thanks for the feedback from everyone, looks like a trip to renault will be in order, maybe not to repair the car but to trade it in for a 197!!
  Clio 182 cup
Let me know how you get on Fletch172 as i've got the same issue with my 172 cup, sounds like a diesel and when you rev the sound goes. Getting the cambelt, aux belt etc done in 2 weeks, dunno if this will solve the problem.
  BMW M135i
As dan says it will be the dephaser, if its making this noise it won't be too long before it lets go and takes the valves/head with it. Stop using the car and get it changed. Its not a tappet.
  Clio 182 cup
Does the dephaser get changed when you get the cambelt and aux belt kits put on. Only saying this as i'm getting the a new cambelt kit and aux kit put on in 2 weeks. Does anyone know if this will resolve the issue or get it replaced will the cambelts getting done etc?
