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Speaker Recommendations

  Fiesta Zetec S TDCi
Hello people :)

am after some suggestions for speakers. looking for some which will fit in the original places (front doors definitely, unsure whether to bother with rear panels).

Have a Sony Xplod-444 amp to power them and a separate amped sub for the boot (which is why i'm thinking i don't need rear speakers).

Looking to spend a maximum of £100 a pair - and I'm guessing components would be a good idea.

Anyone got any recommendations?

Bunz :)
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
You won't need to bother with the rears if you don't want, though some keep them for a bit of rear fill. Experiment to see what you prefer.

I think your amp will do 40Wrms x 4, or 80Wrms bridged x 2, so I'd bridge it for your components.

For that sort of budget you could get the Boston Acoustics S50's, DLS B5A's, Rainbow SLX230's or Infinity Reference 5010cs.

All are fairly decent but Rainbow always get highly recommended by a lot of people for the best natural sound quality.
