Jap Box
Hi all, got a bit of a puzzle going on here and hope someone can help 
Ive got my PS3 upstairs in my bedroom hooked up to the TV through the scart connection.
Im wanting to send this signal to downstairs to the TV in the living room (As the controller works down there too etc so can use it to play films without needing to constantly unplug the PS3, bring it downstairs and plug it all in again)
Ive tried using a wireless AV sender that I had lying around from my old house which I used to send SKY to another room, but it isnt picking up signal here (possibly because my wireless router is closer to the TV now so its messing the signal up)
Seeing as the other TV is in the room directly above, and theres already a hole going up to the other room where someone has previously split the aerial cable downstairs and put an extension to up there im wondering if there is a way to do this using some RCA cables or anything?
Also, would it be possible to plug a HDMI cable into the PS3 and have that going to the TV downstairs, or will the PS3 only work through either scart or HDMI individually and not simultaniously.
Ive got my PS3 upstairs in my bedroom hooked up to the TV through the scart connection.
Im wanting to send this signal to downstairs to the TV in the living room (As the controller works down there too etc so can use it to play films without needing to constantly unplug the PS3, bring it downstairs and plug it all in again)
Ive tried using a wireless AV sender that I had lying around from my old house which I used to send SKY to another room, but it isnt picking up signal here (possibly because my wireless router is closer to the TV now so its messing the signal up)
Seeing as the other TV is in the room directly above, and theres already a hole going up to the other room where someone has previously split the aerial cable downstairs and put an extension to up there im wondering if there is a way to do this using some RCA cables or anything?
Also, would it be possible to plug a HDMI cable into the PS3 and have that going to the TV downstairs, or will the PS3 only work through either scart or HDMI individually and not simultaniously.