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Spluttering at low revs, decat the cause?

  172 cup
Hi everyone need your help.

Everytime I put my foot down in any gear when the car is at low revs it starts spluttering really badly until it gets to about 3500rpm then it starts to move.

Iv noticed it ever since I fitted my decat on a few months back, could this be the problem?

Once the car is in high revs it pulls fine, no spluttering atal.

Anyone else had this problem?

Thanks for any replies.
Mines does the same but only in 2nd below 3500rpm. Think it's something to do with the injector in mine.
  Clio MK 4
does it cut out if you let the revs drop??

Mine did this which meant it was about to cut out to which it did.
mine does after de cat but only when the auto choke is on so if yours is all the time id say a sensor is down

^^ exactly the same for me.. i think a watertempsensor does the trick.
Mine actually stops juddering when watertempgauge visually goes up the first time. I notice this every time i drive away from cold..
  172 cup
mines just does it anytime anywhere aslong as im at low revs in any gear it will splutter and judder if i put my foot down :dapprove:
Take off the elbow going to the throttlebody and have someone looke at the butterflyvalve while you're in the car to give some revs.. I've heard this can be the problem ; on low revs the valve opens and closes irradicaly (the spluttering), only when on almost full throttle the valve opens up completely ..
may need cleaning then, or it could just be faulty..

Anyway i would get it hooked up to the computer at the dealer and it will point out the direction to look.. it could well be watertemp sensor or throttle fault
  172 cup
yeah i agree with franx give it a blast with carb/injector cleaninin spray while you rev it but a code reader is best but dont go to renault they will charge you 70 odd quid ring a few garages should be able to get it done for 30 ish the trouble is there are quite a few sensors that control fueling it could be an air temp sensor an air flow sensor or maybe a fuel pressure regulator i got a code reader off k tec for 30 quid hope this helps
  172 cup
sorted! :)

Changed the plugs couple of days ago. The ones that were in it were bosch super plus things! :mad:

got NGKs in it now and shes runnin fine! :)
