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Spluttering issue

  BG 182 FF CUP
Right guys I have searched but to no avail
I don't quick know but I think is a missfire in the spark side
Have had error codes
And another I can't remember
One was saying the crankshaft sensor, random missfire and ones for the carbon canister that I don't have in there

Could the crank cause that splutter I get when pushing hard and after 5.5k??

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
Well P0141 is a O2 sensor fault code

So I'd replace that, clear the code, then see if it brings anything back up. Obviously your carbon canister one will if you've removed it
  BG 182 FF CUP
Thanks mate, now to throw a spanner in the works I've had the knock sensor come up as well
starting to hate mu car right now
