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Sport 172 Seat Cover changing, Clips/Crimping Tool Help?!

  2002 Clio Sport 172
I've just come to change my seat cover on my 172 Sport, (half leather/alacantara) and I've taken off the base foam etc.etc, and now need to remove the little metal clips which secure the seat cover down.

Anyone work for Renault or already done this and know how you can remove them? I assume there is some sort of crimping tool for the job??

Any help REALLY appreciated!!

thanks Gemma
  Mégane RS
which bits you talking about? i've stripped down my seats and never had too much trouble
  mazda 2 sport white
do you mean the brass rings that hold the cver to the frame if so we use long noise pliers thay have a slot in them snap on ont seen cheep ones but thay are only for putting them on . we cut them off and fit new ones , or you could use very small cable ties , but the with the cut off facein down .
  2002 Clio Sport 172
yeah sorry, thats the bit i mean.. the brass clips.. so i just cut them off, then you can buy new ones from renault and just use normally pilers to pinch them back on? they look pretty tricky to do though? as seems to tight to the foam
  106 GTi
Was going to do this on my old 205. Never looked under at the Clio seats so not sure if they are the same, but sounds like they maybe.

I think the brass rings are called hog rings and you can buy new ones and the tool/pliers for re-attaching them from places that supply coach trimming supplies.
  2002 Clio Sport 172
Many thanks.. uve been a great help.. i think i may get the clips from renault and maybe just use normal pilers then if thats possible?!
  mazda 2 sport white
yeah sorry, thats the bit i mean.. the brass clips.. so i just cut them off, then you can buy new ones from renault and just use normally pilers to pinch them back on? they look pretty tricky to do though? as seems to tight to the foam

yes mate but with the tool its a pice of cake .because the brass ring look like the letter C it holds in the cut out of the tool and you push then down on to the bar close them together renault may have the rings but if you find a trimmer will be a better price . we do them at my work , so if you have no look
pop in to a bmw parts and you can buy them .
  2002 Clio Sport 172
I see some on ebay.. but just wondering do you need the hog ring pilers or can you use long nosed ones?! sure im going to mess this up a treat!

thanks so much for your help though, its really helped.
  mazda 2 sport white
I see some on ebay.. but just wondering do you need the hog ring pilers or can you use long nosed ones?! sure im going to mess this up a treat!

thanks so much for your help though, its really helped.

yes as you push the ring in it may just come out thay keep the ring facing down if you can get some all the better .
