I read your post just fine. But I suppose you're right, and the numerous other forums that have sacked you off are wrong.
Certainly doesnt appear so from your posts, but I guess it just goes to show how easy it is to misinterpret the written word.
Wont pretend to be too bothered that you missed the key part though where I was saying how much more important proper maintenance is to how these cars drive rather than throwing new parts at a car.
Am banned from one forum that Im aware of and IIRC someone said the person who banned me has now been booted off anyway, so not sure what the numerous ones you are on about are? (unless you are going to class stuff like the points based temporary bans that people on here get for minor rule infractions?) But I have been made admin of numerous forums, so I guess it just goes to show that you cant really take whether one forum admin likes or dislikes you as much of a definitive answer as going by your logic that forum admins somehow must always get it right surely you should now massively change your opinion of me now you know that multiple forums have asked me to help run them? No thought not, you would only be interested in something if it happened to support what you want to believe, which is the main difference between you and me

If you post a lot on a forum, and you do so only concerned with being accurate and helpful and not with trying to fit in or be part of any clique etc, then it can go either way, some admins think "wow, what a useful resource to have on the forum, we should keep hold of this guy" and some think "this guy isnt trying to fit in so we should get rid of this guy", and some think a bit of both and PM you asking you to change how you post, and some run a points system which can end up with controversial users banned even if the admin dont specifically want that to happen, all depends on what people feel is more important to their particular forum I guess. Even the one forum I am banned form I still have some very good friends I met on there who will no doubt be friends for a very long time, so to me its still beneficial I was on there even if the admin didnt appreciate it.