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standard HU!!

  fiesta 1.25
I recently put back in my standard head unit of my 1999 clio rn and everytime i turn the engine on it asks for the code so i put it in and when i turn the car off and on it asks again!!My aftermarket head unit didnt seem to store any channels in after i turned off the engine but could never be bothered investigating why.I need to sort this before i sell it!
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
The ignition wire is supplying the power to turn it on, but you have lost the constant 12v connection that keeps the memory.

It may just be a fuse but you would have noticed other things not working like the interior light for instance, that is fed from the same fuse.

Did you wire up the aftermarket head unit ? or did someone else do it, reason I ask, not all din plugs are wired the same and installers sometimes swap 12vBat. and Ign. wires to get things working.
  fiesta 1.25
No i wired it up didnt swap any wires over just used the plugs i also disconected the clock and connected a steering control adapter if this makes any difference?
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Well the constant 12v might have come loose or something because it wouldn't have done this if it was the same :rasp:
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
No i wired it up didnt swap any wires over just used the plugs i also disconected the clock and connected a steering control adapter if this makes any difference?
Have you removed the adaptor since.?

My money would be on the 12v permanent supply being down.
Check fuses 7 (15A) and 29 (20A)
