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Standard seat belts with new seats??

  Clio 1.4 16v
Will be getting some new seats very soon, will also be getting harnesses. but for now is it possible to use the standard seat belts with the new seats? is there any modifying to be done??

Also for when I do get some proper harnesses where is the best place to attach them??
well im getting bucket seats on friday and i plan to use normal seat belts any way as still want to use my back seat harness will go were the back seat belt mounts are i.e u have to remove the bottom bench of the back seats nd undo standerd seats belts and put them in there place
  M2 Competition
When you take the standard seats out, where you planning on clicking the seatbelt in to? As its part of the seat...
  M2 Competition
yeah, thats not a bad idea using the back seat belt mounting bolts

You have to use the rear seatbelt mounting points, or a roll cage with a proper harness bar. Anything else wont be strong enough in the event of a crash mate.
I've posted this picture time and time again showing why those rear belts arn't safe but noone listens they will do you some serious damage in a crash it compresses your spine in massive deceleration.

Idealy use a cage or else use the rear seat belt top locations.

Plus frees up the boot.

The only disadvantage is in a wide crash it will cause more injouries.


  • saeatlocation.jpg
    95.4 KB · Views: 82
What? Didnt understand that. You saying my harnesses arnt safe?

IMO yes. That diagram is what the standard spec are for aircraft and they are designed to be as safe as possible. When I had my harness in that possition you had under hard brakeing you could tell it was pulling me down and back into the seat an in a front end crash it would have compressed my spine causing masive injouries.

However in a side crash your way is safer as that metal shoulnd't deford for ages and tigthen you in your seat wheras mine would have tigthened if the crash has been as bad as to move the rear seatbelt moutn i could have be stuck tigh into my seat its the way it is only safe way is a full cage as that has bars positioned in the right location.
  RS Clio 200
oooh interesting.
i have noticed that pull down quite alot.

Im putting in one of the "caged" cages soon though, so ill get a proper harness bar welded into that to mount them on.
  ATS CUP'd Dynamique
i used standard belts with bucket for a while... i mounted a seat belt clip onto the side mount of the seat and then i undid the seatbelt bar at the bottom of the door pillar and threaded the seatbelt through the bucket seat harness hole and then re-attached it to the bar and did the screw back up

hope this makes sense :p
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2

My first instinct was to consider it dangerous too. Because a shell-type seat doesn't have anywhere designed into it to be strong enough to bolt a seatbelt to. But when I read your post again you didn't bolt it to the seat, you bolted it to the side mount of the seat. That's the dodgy part, but if you look at the standard seat, that's pretty much what Renault does. So just as long as where you bolt it to is strong enough it should be OK. And as long as the holes in the seat on the other side are position about right for the belt to aligh properly that should be OK.
  ATS CUP'd Dynamique
sorry i mean't to say i bolted the seatbelt clip to the subframe which had a seatbelt clip mounting point rather than the side mount
