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Steam Cleaning Engine Bay?


ClioSport Club Member
Bought a steam cleaner for some house stuff and on the box it says it can be used on the car which got me thinking. Safe to use on the engine bay? Mainly the rocker cover and block rather than the entire engine. Avoid all electrical parts and connections too.

ex-Chinese Dave

ClioSport Club Member
Always a risk of water onto the electrics. I'd bag up what you can, turn the pressure right down and stick to the areas that need blasting. If you want to get the engine bay looking nice there are plenty of products that can be sprayed on and wiped off.


ClioSport Club Member
There's lots of good cleaning products you can spray on, use a brush to remove the dirt and wipe or spray off.

Steam cleaner might be decent on the seats and carpet tho?
The trouble with steam is it can get into places even high pressure water can't. I'd stick to what you know and spray with degreaser, go at it with brushes and MFs, then respecting leccy areas, jet it down.


ClioSport Club Member
Degreasers and elbow grease it is!

Bought the steam cleaner to do the car seating the girlfriends car and some other house jobs but thought what other things it could be useful for.
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16V F7R

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 16V
I have used a steam cleaner in the engine bay with degreaser for many years with no issues. I like to use auto finesse eradicate nowadays. I’d never take a pressure washer to the engine bay. Steam cleaner from a sensible distance is sound imo. Still have to do plenty of scrubbing though!
