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Steam Stats - Cost per hour breakdown

  Nissan 350z
I haven't seen this mentioned here yet so figured I would share it.

View your Steam profile > Rclick > "Copy Page URL" and put the long number in as your Steam ID#. Unfortunately its in $ but it gives you an idea.

62 Games - 1585.3 Hours - $1163.40 Dollars :)quiet:)
Hours Played 1585.3
Games Played 44
Games Unplayed 18

In my defence most of the unplayed are from the THQ humble bundle!

You can also click "stats" for a game per dollar breakdown to work out which was your most cost effective buy.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Doesn't this include loads of 'free to play' games as being unplayed too?

I remember looking at something similar a while back and the games I had 'unplayed' was ridiculous - far more than I own!

  Nissan 350z
I'm not sure. Its showing DOTA2 as being Free to Play and just adds its 7.7hrs to my overall total from the looks of it.

Most of mine appear to be expansion packs or base games that have been replaced by an expansion pack. Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 Ep1, CoH: Opposing Front (when I've been playing CoH: Tales of Valor etc), Arma2 (when I've been playing Arma2: Operation Arrowhead for DayZ)

The hour per dollar breakdown is impressive though! My most cost effective game is Skyrim! $0.2380


ClioSport Club Member
Hours Played
Games Played
Games Unplayed
Estimated Value
Sale Value

Steam shows a lot of games that I haven't played, but I actually have. Mostly older stuff it just ignores, like HL and HL2
Hours Played - 1912.5
Games Played - 2
Estimated Value - $0.00
Sale Value -

Football Manager 2012 - Hours Played - 1786.3
Football Manager 2011 - Hours Played - 126.2

  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Hours Played - 2784.4
Games Played - 34
Games Unplayed - 30

Estimated Value - $1208.40
Sale Value -

I've had my Steam account since 2004 and I'm pretty sure they only started clocking your time played since 2008/9ish. So in reality I probably have about 5000 hours
  Evo 5 RS
I'm ashamed to say my games unplayed is almost as many as my games played. I just buy stuff on offer (not even normally in the sales) and just never ever get round to playing it.

  Nissan 350z
When you have done the "Copy Page URL" bit. Go into Notepad and paste the whole thing. There will be a long number in the middle, take that and put it into the website as your Steam ID# to find out your stats.
  Nissan 350z
The name search doesnt work for us with it being an American site we have to use the long Steam ID number to get around it. I had the same problem when i searched on my profile display name :/
Profile Name
Total Items
Estimated Value
Sale Value

Would love to know how many hours of CS I've played since before Steam started counting and the old WonID days. On a side note it's not long until I get my 10 year badge :eek:
