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Stereo Wiring...HELP NEEDED (should be simple)


ClioSport Club Member
just wiring up a new headunit.
i programmed all the settings on it, ie bass, treble etc etc.

then when i turned the ignition off and back on, i lost all the settings, they hadn't stored. I done a bit of research and found that i should just need to change the bullet connections in the back, on this headunit these being ACC+ and BATTERY+

however after doing this, this still done nothing and i lost everything again...any ideas people?
  Polo + Micra
have you checked all the the fuses are ok?

failing that is there a way on the head unit loom to connect both to the battery +?
erm... I imagine you don't have any power going to the head unit when ignition is off? Which is why you are losing the settings

There will most likely be a pin on the cd player loom you could swap over for pin that still have a power when ignition is off and on?

Multimeter time? :)
  MK2 Clio
Your perminent and ignition lives are round the wrong way, swap the red and yellow cables so they cross over eg...

red red
yellow yellow

should now be

red yellow
yellow red

(choc block, crimp, solider them across )

Its to do with car manufacturers doing their end differently head units don't know what one to pic.


ClioSport Club Member
Your perminent and ignition lives are round the wrong way, swap the red and yellow cables so they cross over eg...
red red
yellow yellow

should now be
red yellow
yellow red

(choc block, crimp, solider them across )
Its to do with car manufacturers doing their end differently head units don't know what one to pic.

this is what i mentioned i did above, as they are already on bullet connections, this made no difference, its a bit of a pain
Get a multimeter meter/power probe on it buddy, check both the yellow and red cables for how they are powered with the ignition off, if there is no power then you either have a break in the wire or a fuse gone
