Anyway question i have...
My exhaust has a small amount of rust on it! ive sprayed it with plasticote 650oc paint and its come up like new really pleased with the results and its hasn’t flaked off once!! only thing is though around the lip of the exhaust (were its been welded theres a slight bit of corrosion - i rubbed it down and have used a rust remedy then sprayed the heat resistant paint (which brings it up like new) but it doesnt last very long! the rust just bubbles through in a few days! (i have read this is because it may have tiny holes in it (that you cant see) am i best to use a small amount of exhaust filler - will this stop the bubbling! If so what type? :S
And before anyone says i no exhaust rot from the inside out! but it looks 99% perfect and to good to change at the moment
any help would be much appreciated
Ive just had a reply from DW stating that i should try soapy water to see if i have any minor pin prick holes in my exhaust which may be causing the minor bubbles