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Strange NewsLeecher Activity?

Hi ppl,
I've noticed that everytime I load up NewsLeecher, I get a ZoneAlarm alert telling me that the newsleecher.exe is trying to conenct to the net. Fair enough I thought. BUT...I noticed that the IP it connects to keeps changing. I done a whois for the IP on and they belong to random places. I have taken a screenshot to show what I mean.

The IP shown in that pic is some kind of PostalService! I'm wondering if this is normal?

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I suspect it doesnt matter which firewall I use, they would all show the same IPs as they are nothing to do with ZA. Do you guys catch it tryign to connect to random IPs? I notice its a DNS thing, maybe its searching for a domain name to connect to?
  172 Cup
Newsleecher is going to connect to which ever Usenet server provider you use. Newshosting for example have thousands of servers so it's only natural the IP would change.

PS - Zone Alarm is still crap.
OK, I thought that may be the case. I'm not being c0cky or anything, but why do you think ZA is crap? I'm only asking so I know what the crack is.
  172 Cup
It's just not regarded as a very good firewall and has "issues" with quite a few programs/services. If it's performing ok for you then you might aswell stick with it.
If you do uninstall zonealarm do a google search on how to do it properly as doing it through control panel leaves the stupid svchost.exe running that munches up processor power (made mine stick at 100% sometimes) I just use my routers firewall and nothing else, have spambayes on the email and just run the virus check on once a while never had any problems in over a year, before that had zonealarm and it was always c**king up


ClioSport Club Member
jonnyboy said:
I just use my routers firewall and nothing else

one thing to remember though is that a routers firewall only stops Incoming traffic, it doesnt stop outgoing traffic, so if you have a trojan or anything that wants to access the net from your machine it can, and that will let it open the port on the router to allow traffic in
