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Subwoofer Help

  ClioSport 182
I think my subs blown :( as it was working and then i was fiddlin bout with the settings n think too much bass came through and blown it can this happen?.. also the fuse in the power cable had blown.. when i changed the fuse the sub was given out a fffsssssh (lol) noise and then jus went off.. am i in need of a new sub?

Can some1 recommend another sub for me.. i've already got the fli amp and i already have a box for it to fit in as well.

  Polo + Micra
can you push the cone in center??

if it makes a scratching sound then it's fuber'

was it the gain you was messing with or the x-over?
  ClioSport 182
Not tried pushing it in.... and on my cd player theres setting such as vocal,powerfull, sub basss etc and i had it on quite loud becuase i had it set on vocal and i presssed wrong button n it went onto sub bass n next heard lot of distotion lowered it downs traight away n then there was no noise coming from the sub

also wondering can u help wit me this to (im bit useless u see) im looking for new subs and not sure of the size of my exsiting 1, i measured it and the speaker is 10" but then i measured all of it of the plastic surrond were u screw it in to the box and it was 12" so is my sub 10" or 12"
  Polo + Micra
you might have shoved a higher signal into the amp and it has tried to amplify it but just clipped it's tits off.

did the amp go into protection?

i think the sub size is measured on the screw diameter
  ClioSport 182
Yeh the amp went onto protection. But now after i changed the fuse in the power cable it jus stays on and doesnt go into protection..shouldnt it go into protection if the sub not workin correctly
  Polo + Micra
you may have broken a tinsel lead so the amp would just see that as an open circuit so wont go into protect
  Polo + Micra
it's the small wire that goes from the speaker connection to the voice coil

it moves with the cone so can get damaged if the speaker goes past it's x-mech/x-max
  ClioSport 182
Ah right yeh, i'll have to check... What do you peeps recommend then, ive seen a pioneer one, nebody knw what there like....
seems to me like to much power going into the sub my gf's bro's was doing that just make you've got it wired upto the amp the right way and you dont have the amp turned right up max and turn the power in slowly
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
I think you've already damaged the sub but if you want to check the gain is at the correct level to make sure you are sending a clean undistorted signal to your sub, follow method 2 on this guide:

Also make absolutely sure you had it wired the right way round, and have the low pass filter for that channel(s) turned on.
  Monaro VXR
Dink said:
can you push the cone in center??

if it makes a scratching sound then it's fuber'

was it the gain you was messing with or the x-over?

Mines done that from new... But sounds fine.
  Polo + Micra
right in the centre???

as slightly off it will not go down square and catch on the pole piece

yeah you can get oscilloscopes of ebay for £50 well worth it
  ClioSport 182
dynamique_g said:
Ive got this sub the other day, its good value for money and it gives out plenty of base and it is fairly punchy

Were did you get yours from and how much you pay if you dont mind me asking?
