Lets not be silly here, the colour isn't going to affect the performance. It looks superb on Red, fractionally. Just the same as Purple Haze after 3 layers looks great on mine.
You can go backwards from Carbon to Vics, the looks improvement isn't nearly enough to compete with what Zymol bring to the table. The trouble vics has is it's actually a cheap wax... call it stupid if you will but when applying it you know in your head it's a cheaper wax.
The same reason Glasur feels better to use than other waxes, it "feels" special. When waxing that's important. If you're not bothered about that then you'd be as well using Z2 or a ceramic sealant.
Couldn't agree more, even Pete's 50/50 is in that price as is Purple Haze.
Vics is lush on Red, i'd just rather use it as a "day show" wax on Red rather than my standalone wax.
Interesting. I found AG HD wax a major disappointment on my dads car. Can't understand the durability comment for Vic either. I get 4-6 months out of Vic Concourse which is as much as i'd ever hope to get from a wax of that nature.
Out of interest, how many of you have tried these products on UR?
I'm sure you've tried them all but having also used Carbon and Glasur on different cars in the past i'm not convinced they're worth the extra money. Sure they're great waxes and i've been pleased with the results when i've used them but the reason they're in the £100 bracket is more down to the marketing than the actual physical make-up and ingredients of the waxes imo. I'm convinced you could purchase from the £50 bracket and obtain similar results but without the Zymol fanboy image.
So..........given that we're agreed that certain waxes do suit certain colours, (Vics aside as we're never going to agree!) what have you used on UR that you'd recommend? And don't just say Zymol! Specifics please (if it is a Zymol product, which one?).
Glasur simply does not warrant re applying every month when I want to spend a summer afternoon doing it, with carbon its excusable but not necessary.
But he's got more money than sense and always reaches for glasur now.
Sometimes it's not about what's "best". If it was we'd all own C1 or 476's!
476 will outlast nearly any wax on the market but you don't reach for it over Glasur or Bos after a monster detailing session.
It's about more than that to some. That special feeling.
That's why people buy pots of Vintage. It's not 20 times better than Glasur, it simply feels special. The container, the name, the price. It all adds to the occasion.
People in detailing forget this. Imo especially people new to it. That's why they always ask the question about expensive waxes being better.
It might sound stupid, sadly it can be applied to any part of life.
Agreed, Zymol Carbon feels 'boutique', and for £50, it's a no-brainer.
Tried Swissvax Shield on the weekend (£130) and that felt so nice to apply, mostly because it came out of a black pot and went on like butter.
If you have to justify the price of expensive wax you haven't tried one.
Stick to sealants on Silver mate.
Zaino Z2 and Werkstat acrylic are 2 of the best.
Stick to sealants on Silver mate.
Zaino Z2 and Werkstat acrylic are 2 of the best.
I know you have said your not too interested in glasur but it blew me away when i used mine for the first time, its seriously good mate!! Zymol titanium is another great wax from their range and is very durable too.
Can't agree. I've owned both Carbon and Glasur and i'm convinced that if the Carbon had come in a £20 plastic tub from a different manufacturer i'd have been none the wiser. At the end of the day it's a reasonable wax but it's really nothing special.
The fact that people think it's great value at £50 is a testament to Zymols marketing and nothing else. It's a £20-30 wax in a £50 pot but because of the rest of the Zymol ranges reputation and image they think it's a massive bargain.
Glasur on the other hand does seem to give something a bit extra than some cheaper waxes, especially when i've used it on metallics, but then at the price it's pitched it really needs to be considerably better. Put it this way, I haven't replaced my empty Glasur since I ran out.
Glasur I can see a case for. Carbon i'm afraid not.
I know you mentioned Swissvax earlier in the thread. I've used plenty of their other products before but never one of their waxes. Which ones have you had experience of and have you got any feedback on them?
I really rate the rest of their product line so it'd be interesting to know how you found the lower end of their wax range?
As I said, I had a go with Swissvax Shield on Sunday, it's only been on my bonnet since then so I can't comment on durability, but it went on effortlessly and smelt AMAZING. Worth £130? I couldn't say, but it was an enjoyable experience!
3 for 2 on werkstat stuff. Is this the stuff you mean gally?
Shield is the pick of the bunch imo.
Bos is a show wax, packed full of oils and stuff but those oils wash away after a few washes. Hence the show wax comparison.
Bos always needs a solid base. Shield/Z2 or similar.
A sidenote. All SV waxes smell better than any other wax range. Just a little fact.
Anyway. Onyx isn't as good as Carbon
Glasur is on par with Shield, Shield might possibly last longer but it doesn't quite feel as special.
Glasur is better than Bos imo overall. In show circumstaces and if I had a Black/Red car i'd maybe choose Bos.
Both Shield and Glasur have their own merits tbh.