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ClioSport Club Member
  An old banger!

my electric sunroof on my williams has decided to go wrong it wont even open now just makes a clicking noise!!!

any one else experienced this kind of problem and is it costly?!?
  silver valver/hybrid

is water getting in? usually gets into the console bit and screws up the electrics in there, my alarm was playing up a bit, took the console bit out and gave it a good clean, encrusted with crap. still not 100% perfect but better than it was.


ClioSport Club Member
  An old banger!

not too sure if waters getting in yet it only happened today!!!
  Renault Laguna Sports

Quite often u get water coming in around the aerial base. Take the interior light lens off & c if its wet!!

alright mate hows it going reading was sh*t wasent it!!! if u have had the sunroof open up when it has rained!! water gets in where the sunroof button is and f**ks the electrics up!!!! mine did its ok now though!!! might see ya soon!

