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Yeah! I only use jet washes every now and again when I can't be arsed doing it properly, just to get all the flies n shiz off my bumper and windscreen.
It's more for my dad. He's got a golf GTi and its pretty new (08) and it seems to be getting swirls already!
It's pretty much impossible to avoid swirls completely unless you don't touch the car whilst washing... it is entirely likely that swirls have been induced through washing before the car even got to your dad though.
You'll add more significant swirls through poor technique and I suppose over-washing to some extent (the more you wash it, the more swirls are naturally going to build up).
Alot of swrls i found were induced with a shitty chamois etc. Get it PC'd, then wash with a mitt, and use a good quality deep pile micro fibre drying cloth for drying