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Taxing a car.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
My car is currently sorn, i've sorted my insurance to renue on the 9th dec, can i just roll up to a post office on the 10th dec with my insurance and V5 and get a tax disc right away?

As it won't let me do it online, i'm just about to finish my Forces Basic training to don't really have much access to the outside world until that day, hence asking trusty ClioSport
  260% JCW
What force are you joining?

When i got back form Afghan they wanted, V5, MOT and insurance cert.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Army, Royal sigs.

They won't need my licence will they? As thats sent off at the moment getting things added to it.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I taxed my can this morning.

Just went to the post office with the log book, insurance certificate and MOT. Paid monies, checked my documents and left with a tax disc.
