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  Mk1 Clio 1.4 RT
Hi guys,

I'll be having a pioneer 2800MP on my way soon.

I'll be having having these in there soon for the front.

Considering its 4x50w - does the amp channel run independent from the other channels?

I was thinking of getting this:

Will my head unit still maintain the power for the speaker after using an amp for a sub?

The amp is: 2 x 250W max (4 ohms) or 1 x 500W max (4 ohms). I'll be using 500w for the sub. So will is still get the maximum from the front speakers? and if I had to, the rears? Basically does the HU split the power considering there's an amp or doesn't it matter/runs independent?

Thanks :)
  Polo + Micra
the 4x50w coming out of hu is going to be about 4 x 18wRMS

that amp is probably only about 200wRMS

but they will both run at that power
