Looked at mine yet?
not to the point I have any news. Aiming to give it back so you can fit it over christmas break though
Looked at mine yet?
Yes we can run bonnet pins, the issue seams to be removing any parts from the under the bonnet area, I'll have to have a few words with the scruts and see what can & can't be done.
That's a shame it would have been good to go out in that car for a comparison, I'm just awaiting the diff and fd to be sent and fitted then I'll call early in the New year to arrange to drop it off, sell it to someone up North lol.
Regards Russ........
ha, was thinking the same thing. Mine is in FebXmas break lol.
Xmas break lol.
ha, was thinking the same thing. Mine is in Feb
ha, was thinking the same thing. Mine is in Feb
Leaving the cams in it then? Is it sold or for sale?
You don't mess around!
Sorry Dan a quick question on the induction kit. The little feed off the top of the pipe by the throttle body if that's not there is it an issue? Whats the use/benefit of it.
What have you got planned next then Dan?
Let me know when you want to go to Rindys, I want to get mine on too!
Make it a day I can do this time and I'll come long too if you want??
you know how I roll
Do it. There aren't enough Mk3s about with them. Bring some justice to the world.