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The Black Pearl (1.2)


ClioSport Club Member
So after months and months at looking at people projects and all the threads on here, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and have a go myself.
I lost my first car (Corsa) in January to a Audi A6 on a straight road it took quite a battering, that was a very experience considering I'd only been driving 2 weeks

So 3 months ago I decided to get myself a Clio 2003 1.2 dynamique on 70k. It has been used by a uni student who didn't really care for it I don't think, the few marks and scratches here and there. Even a few dents. And too make it worse, swirl marks, makes me crease Possibly the type that left the sponge on the ground while hosing the car down. But it was mechanically sound, and has been so far (touch wood) Nothing major that can't be corrected though, I was happy to be on the road again after 3 months from it

I gave it a good thorough clean once home and a good wax and polish, which revealed many scratches covered up by black shoe polish that was sneakily used to cover them. Here's how it stood after a good clean. (I didn't take many pictures because I didn't expect to be posting something like this, apologies)

Now obviously I was very happy with how it stood like that, because even at standard it looks smart, I had just planned to clean it regularly. But after hours of looking at this website my mind was changed. After seeing what the likes of @Kitson93 @Brad.shepp @Dr Jekyll had done to their black Clio's it inspired me to get mine looking as nice as they did theirs. I had a list of things I wanted to do initially, so I started off sorting out the cloudy headlights.

Just covered the area around and started sanding from 1200 grit up to 2500 grit until I was happy with the finish, then using a sponge drill attatchment, with a little of Meguirs Ultimate Compound (very good stuff) it brought them up nice and shiny like new. Both my brothers have Clio's and they're thinking about doing there's now

Both headlights finished, very pleased with the results.

I think almost every Clio owner on here knows whats coming next, I ordered a RS Front Grill to tidy up the front, everyone does it but it's not frowned upon thing, it's more like a 'has to be done' job! It arrived within 2 days which was pleasing so I set off straight away to fit it. I also decided to give the surrounding areas in the engine bay a clean while I was there.

Old boring grill off.

Lovely sporty grill on, makes such an improvement to the overall look, if you haven't already done this to your Clio, I recommend it. I plan to spray it gloss black or satin black in the future though as I'm not 100% keen on the grey look. When I get round to doing that though is another story.
I have many more pictures and mods to post that I have done. But it's taking time to get the right pictures and arrange them, if you haven't already guessed I'm fussy haha I hope you enjoy this project and watch it, as I have plenty of updates to post, hopefully get a few more done tonight and tomorrow. I'd really appreciate if you could take the time to read.


ClioSport Club Member
Great start mate. Headlights look so much better!

Thanks mate, a lot more work to do though haha

Great start, a set of clean plates will make the world of difference!

Yeah I've seen this a lot on here, it's on my to do list, is it costly? I've seen the plates where letters are risen from actual plate, are they pressed plates?
I'm on a tight budget so got to be cost effective with things. I was considering fresh plates or get personalised plates. Undecided yet though, can't think of a good plate to go for. Cheers mate


ClioSport Club Member
So after a few weeks with good MPG with the Clio, I found some time to do some more things to my car.

As you can imagine I was very pleased with the MPG, but after finding the gas pedal it's gone done a little, I'm currently averaging about 56MPG which is still very good.
Anyway, I know it's not everyone's tastes but I had to do something about the scratched silver interior dash strips, I think you know what's coming, yes I Carbon wrapped them. Sorry I don't have any before pictures but they were badly scratched. This isn't a permanent job, I hope to eventually have a black red theme interior similar but better than @Dr Jekyll did haha
(For anyone interested what that looks like, this was his interior)

I also installed a new headunit and subwoofer while I was there, subwoofer was a fiver from my cousin, nice addition to any sound system imo.

Now I know this mod is very chavy and many of you won't like it, but it was simple+free so thought why not. I installed blue led's in footwells that run of a separate tiny battery, I wired a switch next to the cigarette lighter so can be switched off or on whenever I like.

It's the best of both worlds really, it's all hidden and can't be switched on/off whenever. For when the chav you get come along that says you should get some lights for footwells I can switch them on and when they're off and the dislikes will come along and they'll say I'm glad you didn't install led's in the footwells, (because it's all hidden) so win win. I had forgotten they were there last week.

Next plan was search for some new alloys on the cheap as the standard were all curbed and just boring imo. The search was on, I will update on this later on today. Thanks for looking
  2014 Clio 200t edc
Nice mate. Get some plain standard plates off eBay for about £10 a pair.
Then maybe have a go at colour coding, you'd be amazed at the difference that makes even on a black Clio.


ClioSport Club Member
I wasn't happy with the standard alloys so I set about looking for some used ones on the cheap In a local area, that's a difficult task I know. After dwelling on these certain alloys I finally decided to go get them, a lovely little trip to Great Yarmouth here they are, (4 great tyres, 2 are new) £80 was decent I thought.

The plan was to refurb them myself, couldn't afford powder coating them, I know they aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I was happy with them.

All loaded in Clio, looking back at these pictures they actually look quite smart!


After seeing a horrible collision on the way home I then loaded them in the garage ready to start working on them the next day.
I had the paint, sand paper, paint stripping tools and a spray booth all ready. I couldn't wait to get started
The paint stripping process had started.

It would say it was roughly 30 minutes before the swearing started Getting the paint off was an absolute nightmare, even nitromors would've needed a tin a wheel. Whoever done these before done a really good job, the paint was layered heavily. This took the majority of the time I wanted to get it to a bare alloy ish for the painting.

2 of the wheels were ready for painting, obviously I took the weights off, degreased the surface and and masked the tyre. I wanted to do 2 by 2 because they're wasn't enough room in my garage to do all 4 at once. Plus they could be drying while I take the paint off the old ones, erghhh makes me cringe with the thought of it these are the paints I used, good ole halfrauds, I was satisfied because of my budget.

I'm not going to go into the details as this isn't a 'how to' thread haha

Several coats of the Etch Primer was applied

Then normal primer was applied

Then gloss black and lacquered. Lacquer was a right pain in the arse, had to be the right temperate to be applied.

I was very pleased with how they were looking, the same process was applied to the other 2 wheels. This is how all 4 looked

It was such a big relief finishing all the wheels, no more sanding, phew I was very happy with how they looked, I'm not a fan of the sport wheels or anything just if anyone suggests them in the future. With all 4 wheels left to harden for 2 weeks before being balanced I decided to turn my attention back to the car, colour coding, drums and calipers were on the cards to be sorted.
Thanks for looking, enjoy.


ClioSport Club Member
Nice start fella :smile: headlights have come up really well.

Thanks mate, long way to go still. Yeah I'm very pleased with headlights, they're like new.

I plan to wire some white LED strips to my interior light. Door open, light on :smile:

I'm looking forward to seeing this!

Nice mate. Get some plain standard plates off eBay for about £10 a pair.
Then maybe have a go at colour coding, you'd be amazed at the difference that makes even on a black Clio.

That's not bad price, might do that!
Colour coding already done mate, well strips and handles. All will be revealed tomorrow, I'm catching up on myself haha.


ClioSport Club Member
I will be posting tomorrow more things, including colour coding and more painting. Hopefully I will be signing for deliveries too! How exciting keep an eye out for this tomorrow.
  AB 182
Looks good, I think we are going down the exact same route haha! I've got a PB dci80! Only thing holding me back is funds [emoji23]


ClioSport Club Member
So while the wheels were hardening I decided to invest in some colour coded side strips and handles off a 172 sport instead of trying to do them myself, £25 was a fair price I thought! They arrived very quick and packaged well

The strips and handles were a little dull and the painted needed a good polish to bring the colour up, yet again I used the Ultimate Compound which brought them up nicely

That picture doesn't really do it justice but it's a massive improvement. Old ones off, new ones on

I thought the handles were going to be difficult to change but was actually very easy, anyone that Is planning on doing this and need advice on doing it just drop me a pm, I'll be happy to help


As you can see I changed the bullets, having 2.0 bullets on a 1.2 didn't seem right


Massive improvement, a very simple but effective mod! Makes a massive difference on a black Clio!
If anyone is wondering why I have the steel wheels, it's because I sold my alloys to my brother so just used these for a couple of weeks! If anyone is interested in 4 steel wheels then mine are for sale, Just sitting in the garage
By this time I was starting to appreciate my car even more, more updates later, keep an eye out for it
Any comments or tips would be appreciated.


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ClioSport Club Member
  Monaco Clio 172
Good progress mate, i enjoyed the read. keep the updates coming, cars looking a lot better already!


ClioSport Club Member
I popped off to halfords yet again for more paint, I've become a regular in there now

My drums and calipers were in desperate need of attention! I haven't got a before picture of the calipers I forgot, I'm terribly sorry chaps but trust me they were bad

All sanded and ready for the paint

The 'High Temperature Paint' appeared very black when applied but it dried up a dark grey, I wasn't too fussed just needed to tidy them up, but I actually really like the colour! Must better than the rust! Now for the calipers

I am very impressed with this paint too, especially as it's spray can! The red really is as bright as it looks on the picture if you haven't already guessed I like the combination of black&red, whether you like a colour scheme or not I like it they were all finished and all I had to do now was be patient with the alloys

I ordered a new number plate led bulb, this is such a good mod to any car, makes such an improvement. Cheap as chips too!

Strange looking things!

Pictures don't do it justice but it's such a difference.
You've got to appreciate the little things! I certainly do

Next on the update list; is... THE ALLOYS ON THE CAR!!!
Please keep an eye out for that and tell me what you think, thanks for looking!


ClioSport Club Member
This has been put back quite a bit as had a few problems and been really really busy. But here is the update. Enjoy
The alloys were finished, balanced and ready to put on the car. Pictures aren't the best but I have taken some nice ones to upload soon

Really pleased with how they've come out, totally different from the grey before, was always sceptical about how they were going to look black but I'm really pleased with them hope you all like them too now to put them on the car!

Really pleased with how she's looking! Hope you like what I've done so far! There's plenty more to come! Thanks for looking. I'll try get some more updates in this week, last week was a bit hectic! Any tips or anything all welcome!


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ClioSport Club Member
Nice mate. Look at the old wheels I had on mine, I found there was too much wheel arch showing. It also showed off the pu$$y ass brakes on the front, so the 182 wheels came out :smile:
To be honest, I'd liked your old wheels, if you'd of got them refurbished in black they would've looked great imo, just not a fan of the 182 wheels, which is a shame probably because they seem popular haha. just going to lower it a tad and get spacers I think, have you lowered yours?
They were too big mate, 17"s. Why lower a car then raise it back up lol. Don't do a mod because its popular, do it because you want to :smile:

Mine is lowered, on Eibach Sportlines 40/30


ClioSport Moderator
Stunning quality on the wheels you refurbed. Probably the best diy job ive seen mate.
Car is coming along really well.


ClioSport Club Member
They were too big mate, 17"s. Why lower a car then raise it back up lol. Don't do a mod because its popular, do it because you want to :smile:

Mine is lowered, on Eibach Sportlines 40/30

Ah didn't realise that. What did you do with them? Yeah I'm more into like the turinis is it? Can't remember what they're called but it's just personal preference really! Lowered a tiny bit and spacers is on the list!

Stunning quality on the wheels you refurbed. Probably the best diy job ive seen mate.
Car is coming along really well.

Wow really? Thanks make that means a lot, I must say I wasn't expecting them to turn out that good, one of the wheels needs some attention on the inside, another coat of lacquer and then I need to take them all off and give them a good polish and seal them!
Not bad for rattle cans I suppose been told to start a little business by friends doing headlight restoration and alloy wheel refurb, not sure I'd do that well out of it though.
Plenty of plans for it still though thanks for looking
  Renault Clio Mk2
Mine is getting there bought it and it was a piece of s**t I'll upload a tread like yours soon


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ClioSport Club Member
Sold em, made 80% back for what I paid for the 182 alloys.

I need spacers for mine, but not before all the other s**t I need to get done.

No brainier then! I made £20 profit selling mine!
Yeah know what you mean, needs doing, but I'd rather do other stuff first.

Mine is getting there bought it and it was a piece of s**t I'll upload a tread like yours soon
Nice one mate, I'll keep an eye out for that.

Nice start, i like the wheels :wink:
Thank you.

Looks a tidy example, prefered the standard wheels tho.

Doing the same mpg as my diesel!!
Well yeah didn't expect everyone to like them, but I like them

Bloody hell that is good then! I can get over 600 miles out of the tank if I'm careful, but that seems to be rare at the minute, me being careful.


ClioSport Club Member
My interior was crying out for some nice mats, so I ordered some off eBay. I though they were going to be cheap and nasty because you never know with eBay but they are brilliant and a good strong material! Here they are

The red black interior scheme was alive! I'm currently on the hunt for some xenons on the cheap, condition doesn't bother me as I'm happy with doing a refurb of them! But in the mean time I fitted some led side lights along with a very bright interior led

Only picture I have of old interior light, but to be honest everyone knows how crappy they are!

A new crank sensor&wiring loom was on order as it decided to start playing up on me while I was waiting for this I thought I'd take the opportunity to sort out some of the bad body work left for me by the previous owner! I will upload pictures of the work done soon if anyone interested in looking!

Also seen some alloys going for dirt cheap in my local area and was considering getting them, refurbishing them and then selling them. What are people's thoughts on this? Would it be worth it?

Also found out that one of my mates has gone and brought a Clio just the same as mine, I've already hooked him onto a member on here

Thanks for looking. More updates coming soon
