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The everlasting ph1 ITB Build **GREEN-BUILD STARTS AT PAGE 100**


ClioSport Club Member
Re: someph-ing different...........

should have stopped for a look chris...

Next time games are on definitely, didn't really get the chance today as only stopped in to see a couple of games. Hope Marcus's nose is ok :(

tbh you'll be able to answer the question I quite sadly was thinking about the other night, can you get a hockey stick in one ok?


ClioSport Club Member
Re: someph-ing different...........

you can get a stick in one, even 2 and if your boot is full of ice you can even get a kit bag in the passenger seat.


ClioSport Club Member
  911 GT3 & Audi Q8
Re: someph-ing different...........

reebone what size are the trumpets you got to fit inside the foggies?


ClioSport Club Member
Re: someph-ing different...........

not sure chap, i thought they were all pretty standard size, may be worth checking back through the thread to see...

i do know its a pipercross trumpet if thats any help


ClioSport Club Member
  911 GT3 & Audi Q8
Re: someph-ing different...........

yer i looked earlier cheers mate. you got anything else happening down the line?


ClioSport Club Member
Re: someph-ing different...........

i was going to say i will be removing mine to paint soon so could measure them, but cheers jay...

just gave the 17poo a quick clean

then i thought i would try and salvage the badges, i tried removing them yesterday and both the "Renault" and the "clio" badges decided to break in one way or another, so i had the below idea,

kinda goes well with the slightly worn texture of my lockers..






will possibly get some new badges, but will stay like this in the meantime....

still got lots of plans still to come though
Re: someph-ing different...........

reckon you should add a small graphic above the renault saying "broken"
Re: someph-ing different...........

hi mate just read your project from start to finish..noticed it also in fast car this month..

very nice..

noticed you stripped the rear but left the plastics in..i did also on a mk1 but managed to get van plastic which don't have the shelf bit on them and look mk2 vans have similar plastic you could use..

just a thought..
Re: someph-ing different...........

they do exist dont they, might be worth a trek around some scrappys eh ph-reebone


ClioSport Club Member
Re: someph-ing different...........

hi mate just read your project from start to finish..noticed it also in fast car this month..

very nice..

noticed you stripped the rear but left the plastics in..i did also on a mk1 but managed to get van plastic which don't have the shelf bit on them and look mk2 vans have similar plastic you could use..

just a thought..

cheers for the kind words, great idea on the van plastics but the way the re-trimming has been done on the rear door cards, and the fact that these material peices are bonded in means to change just those material peices over now just will not happen, and to redo those peices will be a fair bit more £££...

great idea though...

going to have some more updates soon, just purchased something new, it will not go on just yet but is going in my engine tuning collection...

also looking at doing my brakes and maybe sorting a stud conversion...

as for the badges, i will get some spares, but the above are staying for now...
Re: someph-ing different...........

are the back cards not in two pieces like the mk1's..rear cards and rear boot panels..


ClioSport Club Member
Re: someph-ing different...........

very good point maxi, the rears are infact 2 peices with the material slotting in, but its a proper ballache..think i will leave

Thought you had new super dupoer brakes already

i do...but they are doing a great job of a footrest under my work


ClioSport Club Member
Re: someph-ing different...........

just a brief update, kind of a refresh

had a good going around the arches today, got each wheel off at a time, gave each arch a real good clean, was so dirty, touched up the calipers and popped the centre caps out the billet 95's

how they were


how they are going


also refreshed the intake trumpets as they are now going satin black, bit more subtle...

will be giving her a clay and good clean later in the week for combe


ClioSport Club Member
Re: someph-ing different...........

cheers gups...more for you then

cleaning the car up today, giving it its summer coating of wax, polish etc, whilst i was waiting for the polish to cure i decided to set about an idea i had just previous..

the other day i painted my rear badges as i broke them and thought i could age them a bit...


i finished these of last night by doing the sport badge and the front triangle


this was when i had the idea earlier to set on something a bit bigger....

the engine bay had been painted just with black hammerite and a brush and tbh looked

masked and first layer



done and cleaned up a little


the bar holding the bonnet up is simply an old mountain bike handle bar painted in the same style




i have also aqquired a brand new cup alternator that is going in my "make my clio go faster" collection box
Re: someph-ing different...........

Different strokes for different folks, but that has missed the mark for me I'm affraid.
  172 Race Car
Re: someph-ing different...........

You have some wierd ideas since getting your new job.

Undecided on some of it tbh
  BMW M135i
Re: someph-ing different...........

Dislike it, good to give it a try though.
If it was proper camo style that would look cool!


ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 172 track car
Re: someph-ing different...........

bay looks like half a job kind of thing. love the lie detector though!
  Monaco 172
Re: someph-ing different...........

everything about the car is amazing, except the engine bay tbh, should have been matt black with yelllow detail to match the car...
Re: someph-ing different...........

Just dont get the whole 'weathered' thing you've gone for. I like the idea but it just looks cack. Trying a bit too hard imo.

Absolutely love the tim westood badge however!


ClioSport Club Member
Re: someph-ing different...........

more for you guys to moan at

wanted to check the air flow through my direct air feed as wasn't sure if the performance was enhanced by it...



result - i am sure it has helped, but the air - flow meter told me nothing
Re: someph-ing different...........

You have some wierd ideas since getting your new job.

Undecided on some of it tbh

Have to agree tbh.

Not liking this almost 'rat look' effort on the badges and bay. Not a fan of the Image Wheels either. IMO when you look through the whole thread it reads as though its come in two stages:

1) You wanted to make your car into a stripped out track ****.

2) Get new job, they like what your doing but want you to go with current styles and trends to.

Might be completely wrong, but is it how it looks to me.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: someph-ing different...........

Have to agree tbh.

Not liking this almost 'rat look' effort on the badges and bay. Not a fan of the Image Wheels either. IMO when you look through the whole thread it reads as though its come in two stages:

1) You wanted to make your car into a stripped out track ****.

2) Get new job, they like what your doing but want you to go with current styles and trends to.

Might be completely wrong, but is it how it looks to me.

you opinions are welcome...

in reply
1) if you look at my previous car that was also stripped, however i left door cards, carpet etc, that was for the same reason as this car. I don't want messy holes in interiors (were panels once showed) or ill fitting carbon panels, i also feel that the plastics don't really weight that much, the fact that the doors have be retrimmed is just to loose the original sh*tty blue, something i felt it needed after flocking the dash (a practical mod).

2) lol at going with trends and current styles, i have to be into these working for the mag, however i don't have to follow anything on my personal car, for the mag, if you research way back to lots of old posts, pre-fast car i think you will find i have always liked different stuff, not turini's etc....

in the nicest way, this is no are welcome to your opinions as always, but it will always be my car and i will do what i
Re: someph-ing different...........

fair play mate, as I said, jsut reading the thread thats how it comes accross.
Re: someph-ing different...........

pmsl at the bird.

some people dont like my wheels but my car at the end of the day. its certainly interesting lol
