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The First TOPO of Twenty12! - Sunday 12th February

  55 Clio 182, C2 VTS
1) Mike
2) Matt
3) daveski
4) John
5) Feirny
6) timps
7) danh90
8) realnumber 1
9) noddy1
10) cb10
11) leeds_182
12) Harpham
13) GTdan
14) Chris
15) Deany
16) Craig
17) Steve
18) Not Normal Dan
19) Brookie (maybe baby)
20) Dannyjenks
21) Mitch78
22) mattdavidson88
23) Caekii


ClioSport Club Member
  RB182 B7RS4 Mk2GTE
1) Mike
2) Matt
3) daveski
4) John
5) Feirny
6) timps
7) danh90
8) realnumber 1
9) noddy1
10) cb10
11) leeds_182
12) Harpham
13) GTdan
14) Chris
15) Deany
16) Craig
17) Steve
18) Not Normal Dan
19) Brookie (maybe baby)
20) Dannyjenks
21) Mitch78
22) mattdavidson88
23) Caekii
24) Das182


ClioSport Club Member
  GW X200 CUP
0.5) ipods
1) Mike
2) Matt
3) daveski
4) John
5) Feirny
6) timps
7) danh90
8) realnumber 1
9) noddy1
10) cb10
11) leeds_182
12) Harpham
13) GTdan
14) Chris
15) Deany
16) Craig
17) Steve
18) Not Normal Dan
19) Brookie (maybe baby)
20) Dannyjenks
21) Mitch78
22) mattdavidson88
23) Caekii
24) Das182
If the new van is sorted and stickered up me & Josh might pop down and say hello! Greg needs to remind me nearer the time!
0.5) ipods
1) Mike
2) Matt
3) daveski
4) John
5) Feirny
6) timps
7) danh90
8) realnumber 1
9) noddy1
10) cb10
11) leeds_182
12) Harpham
13) GTdan
14) Chris
15) Deany
16) Craig
17) Steve
18) Not Normal Dan
19) Brookie (maybe baby)
20) Dannyjenks
21) Mitch78
22) mattdavidson88
23) Caekii
24) Das182
25) Jon.G

I'm going to try and make this.


ClioSport Club Member
Should be good attendance for this :)

If it is, then I'll do a little write up and try and get it in PFC magazine. Bring your cameras so we have some decent photo's to send in!


ClioSport Club Member
lol, I had to google him :eek:

Some stunning pictures he takes, but I'll always prefer yours ;)


ClioSport Club Member
Hmmmm tempting...

I'll put myself down as a maybe.

0.5) ipods
1) Mike
2) Matt
3) daveski
4) John
5) Feirny
6) timps
7) danh90
8) realnumber 1
9) noddy1
10) cb10
11) leeds_182
12) Harpham
13) GTdan
14) Chris
15) Deany
16) Craig
17) Steve
18) Not Normal Dan
19) Brookie (maybe baby)
20) Dannyjenks
21) Mitch78
22) mattdavidson88
23) Caekii
24) Das182
25) Jon.G
26) rhysbartley
I saw it when it was first posted and was debating it, then saw you post to Ed and thought "why not eh".

All depends on my car as well tbh. If its not done (which I hope it will be), and Ed wants to go I'll probably go with him. If not, I'll jump in with you if you don't mind ;)
  RS2'd Trophy
Ill be there

0.5) ipods
1) Mike
2) Matt
3) daveski
4) John
5) Feirny
6) timps
7) danh90
8) realnumber 1
9) noddy1
10) cb10
11) leeds_182
12) Harpham
13) GTdan
14) Chris
15) Deany
16) Craig
17) Steve
18) Not Normal Dan
19) Brookie (maybe baby)
20) Dannyjenks
21) Mitch78
22) mattdavidson88
23) Caekii
24) Das182
25) Jon.G
26) rhysbartley
27) JamesT87
  2016 Qashqai 2011 A3
I will show my head but I might not be in a Clio depends lol
0.5) ipods

1) Mike
2) Matt
3) daveski
4) John
5) Feirny
6) timps
7) danh90
8) realnumber 1
9) noddy1
10) cb10
11) leeds_182
12) Harpham
13) GTdan
14) Chris
15) Deany
16) Craig
17) Steve
18) Not Normal Dan
19) Brookie (maybe baby)
20) Dannyjenks
21) Mitch78
22) mattdavidson88
23) Caekii
24) Das182
25) Jon.G
26) rhysbartley
27) JamesT87
28) nathan

I take it the works in progress as steve said he was looking at it this week to us.

Spoke to Steve today, Looks like it will be ready for the end of next week/early week after. So there is still hope yet.

Can't wait to have it back! I really do hope the weather is good on the 12th, fingers crossed.
0.5) ipods
1) Mike
2) Matt
3) daveski
4) John
5) Feirny
6) timps
7) danh90
8) realnumber 1
9) noddy1
10) cb10
11) leeds_182
12) Harpham
13) GTdan
14) Chris
15) Deany
16) Craig
17) Steve
18) Not Normal Dan
19) Brookie (maybe baby)
20) Dannyjenks
21) Mitch78
22) mattdavidson88
23) Caekii
24) Das182
25) Jon.G
26) rhysbartley
27) JamesT87
28) nathan
29) lewisflintham

Thought id drop another name on the list LOL. He should be convoying down with Daveski and I in his Albi 197.
  1.7 cdti
anybody in the south of sheff going that wouldnt mind me following them up ? dont fancy being billy no mates when i arrive !!
1) Mike
2) Matt
3) daveski
4) John
5) Feirny
6) timps
7) danh90
8) realnumber 1
9) noddy1
10) cb10
11) leeds_182
12) Harpham
13) GTdan
14) Chris
15) Deany
16) Craig
17) Steve
18) Not Normal Dan
19) Brookie (maybe baby)
20) Dannyjenks
21) Mitch78
22) mattdavidson88
23) Caekii
24) Das182
25) Jon.G
26) rhysbartley
27) JamesT87
28) nathan
29) lewisflintham
30) dean_blue44

count me in, my first cliosport meet :eek:
Good will have to holla were you want to meet, im sure dannyjenks will come through with us aswell and maybe feirny depending on what mood hes in lol
