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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread


Let there be Light by Brazo76, on Flickr


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Lovely shot Brazo. Love how the light runs along the top of the cliff.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Picture quality isn't the best as I uploaded them to Facebook for ease. Taken at a wedding a few weeks back using my 550 & the 18-200 Canon lens.





Super grainy from the high ISO. Dark, gloomy day and the lens isn't the fastest, especially on near full zoom.
Picture quality isn't the best as I uploaded them to Facebook for ease. Taken at a wedding a few weeks back using my 550 & the 18-200 Canon lens.

Super grainy from the high ISO. Dark, gloomy day and the lens isn't the fastest, especially on near full zoom.

That's exactly the reason I'm brutally honest when people on here ask if they should shoot a wedding with 'non pro' gear. It's just not designed for the job.

Oh and Brazo...that shot is epic too.

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
That's exactly the reason I'm brutally honest when people on here ask if they should shoot a wedding with 'non pro' gear. It's just not designed for the job.

Yeah I would never attempt to shoot a wedding properly with the kit I have! We were just at friend's wedding and the photographer is one we have booked for ours (a friend of the gf) who's second shooter bailed on her last minute so I said that I would try to get some half decent candid shots ( I managed to get a few that she liked) If I had known earlier, then I would have rented a fast lens for the day but it was all last minute.

Looks very stressful too. The weather was awful so trying to do group shots was a nightmare (although to be fair to her, she handles it very well)
Thanks mate, your opinion means a lot. Re the wedding photography, what do you consider as pro gear? Are we talking ff and f1.4 for low light and flattering dof.

That's exactly the reason I'm brutally honest when people on here ask if they should shoot a wedding with 'non pro' gear. It's just not designed for the job.

Oh and Brazo...that shot is epic too.
  White APE
The lighting doesn't really show the subject as a sphere, more 2d than 3d.

Also doesn't appear tack sharp when pixel peeping.

Sphere was more being clueless as to what to name the file.
It was a hand held macro shot so it is far from perfect.

Dare I ask....pixel peeping?
Thanks mate, your opinion means a lot. Re the wedding photography, what do you consider as pro gear? Are we talking ff and f1.4 for low light and flattering dof.

Firstly, the following is my opinion, but I have done quite a few weddings now so I am speaking from experience.

What I mean by pro gear essentially is a prosumer body, designed to give very nice photos at very high ISO, which you WILL need. For example, at Daves wedding (bomber on here) I was shooting at ISO2000 in the church.
You shoot like that on any 'consumer' body, the photos will look s**t.
And yes, for lenses, the faster (and more expensive) the better. A fast lens means you can achieve those nice depth of field style photos, but also a large aperture means easier shooting in darker conditions.
And also, a lens like my 70-200mm is PIN sharp at all focal lengths. The photos from a kit lens or cheap telephoto could not hold a candle to it.

I hope I don't come across all snobby and cocky. I'm just saying that I have only done weddings in the past because I do have the kit that can do the job. If I had a cheaper body and 'consumer' lenses, I wouldn't dream of being the main pgotographer at any wedding or similar event, and that's why I advise other people on here not to either.

Oh and lastly, having the proper gear doesn't mean epic shots. You still have to know how to use it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Sprint/climb 106 gti
Took this of my little cousin at a relatives wedding a few weeks back! One of my favourites shots for a while.

