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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

  Mk2 Golf gti
Finally used my camera, first time in a while


Snow. by adele_90, on Flickr


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Just been for a wander about with sillywoman ... there's nothing about. Few cars, few people walking about but generally all is quiet !! Left at half 9, got home about 11 !

Wanted to try some flash stuff out at the church, but didn't really go to plan. There was enough light about anyway so wasn't a big deal. Also found somewhere epic to do some star trails so I'll be back when the clouds have gone !!


Church steps at night by evil_giraffes_rule, on Flickr


Laindon Church at night by evil_giraffes_rule, on Flickr

Spotted what I thought was a black garage door between a load of white ones, but turned out to be an open door !


Garage at night by evil_giraffes_rule, on Flickr

Also tried out a bit of funky flash shooting which I've been meaning to for a while as well..


Sash with a flash by evil_giraffes_rule, on Flickr

  Ph1 172
image.jpg One of my dads car I took with my iPad , I'm quite impressed with the quality of pictures on it tbh


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  Corsa Van. Meh.
Just been for a wander about with sillywoman ... there's nothing about. Few cars, few people walking about but generally all is quiet !! Left at half 9, got home about 11 !

Wanted to try some flash stuff out at the church, but didn't really go to plan. There was enough light about anyway so wasn't a big deal. Also found somewhere epic to do some star trails so I'll be back when the clouds have gone !!


Laindon Church at night by evil_giraffes_rule, on Flickr


St Nicholas I see. Worked at that church many times over the last few years.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Although I've posted this a couple of days ago, I had a little play around on the computer and really like the turnout.

Uber critical mode on...

You've gone from a not perfect, wonky image with the subject wonky and in the middle, to a really badly out of focus B&W version which is even more under exposed and still has the same composition ?

Don't shoot manual focus or shutter speed IMO - Not sure why you were at f/11 using 400ISO in daylight either..

Had a play about myself .. took about 2 mins in Aperture :eek:

Far from perfect but without the original RAW (shoot in RAW!) it's as good as I can do while my tea brews !


or B&W


I'd have left that in Av at about f/8 and let the camera sort the rest out TBH.

  Inferno 225 cup
I don't have any skill,talents like you lot have, and just trying to get into it, thanks for the advice and will take it onboard.

+I don't have a clue at editing photos.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
I don't have any skill,talents like you lot have, and just trying to get into it, thanks for the advice and will take it onboard.

+I don't have a clue at editing photos.

It all comes from practise ! Surely you can see that your edited one is really blurry !? :S Sometimes that's a great thing but not here. No reason you'd want that IMO.

If you're not 'skilled' as you put it, then let the camera do the hard work ;) If you'd left that in Av mode it might have been sharper, instead the camera's bumped the ISO (I guess?).

Check the guides on here... ask any questions you may have !

  Inferno 225 cup
It all comes from practise ! Surely you can see that your edited one is really blurry !? :S Sometimes that's a great thing but not here. No reason you'd want that IMO.

If you're not 'skilled' as you put it, then let the camera do the hard work ;) If you'd left that in Av mode it might have been sharper, instead the camera's bumped the ISO (I guess?).

Check the guides on here... ask any questions you may have !


I can now with yours next to it, how did edit it to make it look better?

Thanks for the help and the little dig to make me understand a little more, I can't get any worse I don't think :(

Sure my camera is set to shoot on RAW, I've got elements 2 on my laptop watching tutorials to help me understand more.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
I can now with yours next to it, how did edit it to make it look better?

Thanks for the help and the little dig to make me understand a little more, I can't get any worse I don't think :(

Upped the shadows a bit, downed the highlights to get the clouds back, cropped it down a bit (read up on the rule of thirds), buffed out the branches on the right that were crashing it, straighted it up, cooled it down (white balance) and upped the saturation a little bit. Little touch of sharpness added but that's superficial as it's only jpg.

Shoot RAW ;) Added you on flickr. Be nosy :approve:
  Merc A class
Opinions on this Image, First time using off camera lighting to shoot a car ino its not perfect but i'm happy with the outcome for the first attempt and a very quick edit.


Renault Clio by Riad Ariane, on Flickr

i need to reprocess the floor area.
Last edited:


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Second image is 10x better than the first mate; really not a fan of that edit.
I prefer the colour version I think.
Both good though and that is an epic lens!
Liking the 2 Alien Green photos as well, great looking car.
