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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep

pretty by Jamie Lockey, on Flickr


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Or view the photo as a size, and go to properties to grab the code. That way it's much better for people using tapatalk as it doesn't load safari as an application each time :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Sprint/climb 106 gti
Was down at Bournemouth yesterday doing some Photo work for a client and managed to spare a few minutes to enjoy the sunset.




Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Nice shots Matt! Still haven't played with my 10-20 properly yet.
  Low and Slow 1.4 16v
Quality looks poor as they are off my facebook

Sunset in Crosby



My friends pristine mini



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ClioSport Club Member
  Sprint/climb 106 gti
Nice shots Matt! Still haven't played with my 10-20 properly yet.

Cheers Luke, You should they are great fun I am going to do more with my fisheye aswell though, I realised that in Lightroom you can get rid of the distortion really easily with profile correct :)

Check your FB aswell Luke, possible London meet up Friday.
Stopped off at the lighthouse on the way home yesterday. Ten stop filter. Should have left it a bit longer I think though.


Lighthouse at sunset by A_Cro, on Flickr

Thats nicely done mate, If I had to critique (and I do ;)) then I reckon you could have made more use of those lead in lines, perhaps a lower more angled viewpoint. Given the lighthouse is a bit rusty it may have looked better in silhouette if that could have been done from a long exposure, perhaps when the sun is a little stronger. A black lighthouse and stronger lead in lines could make a very graphic image! Oh and needs vertical correction too:)

Ay Ay Ron

ClioSport Club Member
Thats nicely done mate, If I had to critique (and I do ;)) then I reckon you could have made more use of those lead in lines, perhaps a lower more angled viewpoint. Given the lighthouse is a bit rusty it may have looked better in silhouette if that could have been done from a long exposure, perhaps when the sun is a little stronger. A black lighthouse and stronger lead in lines could make a very graphic image! Oh and needs vertical correction too:)

Cheers mate.

I had already corrected the verticals, the lighthouse is actually leaning towards the sea though. Has annoyed me many times.
As for getting lower, I need to invest in a new tripod as that's the lowest I can go at the moment. Might make a waterproof bean bag actually so I can get near enough ground level and keep the camera steady.

Quick rework though. Lightened up the sand and a bit more vertical correction.


Lighthouse at sunset reworked by A_Cro, on Flickr
  Twingo Dynamique
my feedback - skim the canal and it wont be so dirty ;)

relaistically though... fricking amazing picture.. hard to tell where the water even begins really!! :L :)
