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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Nice pics. What camera did you go for in the end, Laura?

Edit: Beaten!
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
went for a 50d, not a massive upgrate but was a decent price with 12 months canon warrenty.

tbh ill get my 40d fixed and maybe still use that, not sure. I like my 40d lol

lens 50mm 1.8f sold my 10-20 to go towards to new body..i want it back :(
  2.2 bar shed.
Event stuff is my thing, theres certainly better stuff out there but I quite like these. All shot from Glade Festival last weekend.






Need more primes. Zooms are so handy but blow hard even compared to the 50 1.8 for image quality...


  BMW 440i
A couple of pics from Thailand. Nothing special, but were the first pics I took with the new camera.

Edit. Not coming up how I wanted them to Grrrr. I uploaded this to Photobucket in order to crop/add a border, if I then upload to FlickR, will the quality have been massively reduced after two uploads?
  Mk2 ph1 clio
love the flare in that last photo Feirny. Really works well!

I haven't had much chance to get out for wildlife so I made an effort to put in a full day at an old hide i used to visit on a daily basis.... Gutted tbh.. its been left to ruin. Managed 3 shots all day!

This is the pick of the bunch for me


Coots-chasing by GeordieClio, on Flickr
  57 Clio Campus Sport
Think I've improved on my last one:


Bee v2 by The__Ironist, on Flickr

Snake came in my garden yesterday and annoyingly hid among dead leaves behind a wall. 18-55mm lens couldn't zoom much so ended up getting this with live view. Any suggestions on how I could improve this shot?


Grass Snake by The__Ironist, on Flickr
Last edited:
Think I've improved on my last one:

Snake came in my garden yesterday and annoyingly hid among dead leaves behind a wall. 18-55mm lens couldn't zoom much so ended up getting this with live view. Any suggestions on how I could improve this shot?

You could crop in digitally a bit, if you haven't done so already.
