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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

  172 and vw passat
High key mono and a slightly different composition would work well in that light imo.

Thanks for tips will keep that in mind, this is my first dslr and only been at this for two weeks so any feedback would be appreciated.
  RB One Eight Two
Some really nice images been posted recently. I'm currently in the middle of a little project so I should have some more to add soon.
  172 and vw passat
Straight off the camera i quite like them :D


Broughty Ferry by Duncan_Williams, on Flickr


Broughty Ferry by Duncan_Williams, on Flickr
First shotbwould benefit from more sky and try it in black and white as there's not much colour there. Second shot, go lower to capture the reflections of the sky in the water pools and use rule of thirds for horizon.
  172DD Cup
er, not really a great photo like you lot are posting but, i've taken a pic and i kinda like it :) 'tis me @ watership down, taken on my mates iphone with the old panaromic stitching thing



  • photo.jpg
    64.6 KB · Views: 37


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
What ISO was it set at Stu? May explain the graining.

Bully - they're awesome mate.
  350z GT
Was taken at Shutter Speed 1/1200 with an ISO of 800...think that was on auto were you taking them?? they are quality shots
  RIP Dan
Was taken at Shutter Speed 1/1200 with an ISO of 800...think that was on auto were you taking them?? they are quality shots

With a Canon DS10 waterproof camera, it's only a point and shoot. I was in the water and took around 90 pictures, maybe 5 are OK ish like the ones above. The waves were not as clean as I would have liked but it was more of a practice for me. As a surfer of 20+ years I can read the waves and hope to get some way better shots. My next step is getting a decent waterproof rig with manual settings as the Canon was a bit slow sometimes and I missed some good shots. When I upgrade my SLR (its old) I may get a waterproof housing and use the old body in that. £££££££ though.

Going back down today but again the wind isn't great so may get similar shots. Need a good clean sunny day with decent swell, rare here. I want a through the tube shot with land showing through it if you know what I mean....not easy at all.

Niall, great shot, simple idea too. Damn you and your simple ideas turning out so well....I never have them. ;-)
Was taken at Shutter Speed 1/1200 with an ISO of 800...think that was on auto were you taking them?? they are quality shots

A shutter speed of 1/200 - 1/400 would have let you bump the Iso much lower. A lot of non SLRs really struggle at anything past ISO400.
  RIP Dan
Conditions were far from ideal today but I went in anyway to cool down, took around 50 shots and this is the only one which is slightly ok....


Steep Face by BullyJersey1970, on Flickr

Going to wait until the September swells hit and try again. I want that clean looking through the tube shot.
