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The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

Blea Tarn sunrise...when the light started to break on the far fells, it made it totally worth that 4am start.


Blea Tarn sunrise by Martin Steele., on Flickr

I do like the colours in that shot mate, looked a bit dark on my phone but now on my lappy I can appreciate it properly!
  Fiesta ST-3
So tonight I took a drive out to Preseli Mountains, Pembrokeshire.

My plan this year is to revisit all my locations from last year when I was learning the camera and to better my shots. So below please find my first image taken on March 5th 2011 and my new image taken this evening.

Sadly the cloud came in and I was let down with a sunset but never mind. It was also my first use of my 10 stop and Hi-tech grads. As you can see I have suffered with a dark cast around the image that I am unable to rectify but I'm always learning. I am extremely please with my progress one year on.

March 5th 2011


Preselli Mountains by scott.thomas21, on Flickr

April 7th 2012


Preselis Mountains by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
Nice shot Scott.

Again, for me it has a very cool white balance. I've noticed my Hi-tech grads create a slightly cooler WB than my Lee filters (hence why they're cheaper), so I have to do more corrections in post. I would also guess the Hitech 10 stop is much cooler than the Lee filter too.

Not sure what's causing the dark edges though.
  Fiesta ST-3
Cheers Dan.

I don't know if it's just me but I prefer a cooler feel to my images. I really don't know why. I do like blue... lol. And It was a Lee 10 stopper and hi-tech ND.9 grad. Epically better than anything I've ever used.
There's nothing wrong with it per se, it's just for a shot which I'm guessing was taken not long before sunset, you would expect a warmer tone to the image.

That looks very wintery to me.

Glad you're liking the new filters! It's the only way to take proper landscape shots.
Laura, absolutely love the idea behind that one!! I have an old photo of my mother sitting on some steps in the 60/70's, I'd love to return and do a similar attempt
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
Laura, absolutely love the idea behind that one!! I have an old photo of my mother sitting on some steps in the 60/70's, I'd love to return and do a similar attempt

its really difficult to get it right , theres now a f**king great raised flower bed there and i couldn't get far enough back to get it quite right. But the ideas there. My grandma that i never met... i know where i get my crazy hair from now though haha.
^ I wouldn't say that. Looks great!

I'd love to try a twist on that shot and put the horizon bang in the middle, then flip it horizontally, so the reflection is upright.
I do intend on posting some more (and actually using the camera more for that matter) this year. I do have a handful of "ok" shots from Trax last year that I may have a fumble with doing some PP on and post them up.
